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William French, the First Blood of the Revolution

William French (5), FFA Chart #2, William of Billerica, MA (1), John (2), William (3), Nathaniel (4), William (5) of Dummerston, VT, thought to be the first person killed in the American Revolution, 13 Mar 1775. more

From Henry M. BurtŐs Illustrated Guide of the Connecticut Valley: This [Westminster, VT] is a place of great historic interest, as here begun the opening scenes of the American Revolution.     ... the royal authorities fired into it, mortally wounding William French and Daniel Houghton [Houghton lived for three days]. This scene occurred March 13th, 1775. French was only 22 years of age, and was a resident of Brattleboro. Previous to the attack on the court house, he [French] went from Brattleboro to Dummerston, where he joined the Dummerston Rangers. He was buried in Westminster...  It is claimed that the Westminster massacre so enraged General Gage, at Boston, the British commander, showing as he thought the determined spirit of the people to resist British authority, that he was induced to march to Lexington and inflict the blow which opened the Revolution. If so, Westminster is entitled to the honor of being the birth place of American liberty [and William French the first blood of the Revolution].