French Family Association
The Official Website of the Surname French
Tacumshane Windmill, Broadway, Wexford, one of only two intact windmills in Ireland, built in 1846 and used until 1936.
Chart #IREA, Nicholas French
Ballytory, Tacumshane, County Wexford, Ireland
Last updated by Mara French on 11/18/08. Numbers in brackets [ ] show the source material and refer to the bibliography at the end of this chart. An asterisk (*) shows continuation of that line. Send corrections or additions to Mara French. Revised 1989, 2008.
This is a very extensive ffrench family. There is so much
information online about them that I plan to include only a small part here. I
am mainly trying to research the connection of the French, ffrench, and de
Freyne families born in Ireland who immigrated to America. With this particular
line, one family immigrated to California in the 20th century from
Wexford, and to Australia in the 19th century.
Chronology of the Wexford Ffrench Family
Origination of the Surnames ffrench and de Freynes
Ffrench, Bishop of Ferns, 1645-1678
Surname French in Ireland from Counties Wexford, Roscommon, Galway,
Cork, Mayo, etc.
Ffrench Family
in Ireland in 2008
This is one of the oldest families of the name in Ireland, being the immediate descendants of Robert FitzStephen de France, who landed with Strongbow in the reign of Henry II. This Robert Fitz-Stephen was lineally descended from Sir Theophilus de France, who accompanied William the Conqueror to England, and was present with him at the Battle of Hastings on 14 Oct 1066. The Norman army was estimated to number as many as 8,400 men.
Robert Fitz-Stephen de France, m. Mary Brown, had 4 sons.
1. James Fitz-Stephen de France [16]. He had one son who died unmarried.
2. Nicholas Fitz-Stephen de France [16]. Nicholas fitz Stephen witnessed a 5-acre grant to David de Baa in the tenement of Dengenmore, given at Kilkenny. In 1324 Howel son of Stephen held 1/2 knights' fee at Carrykobren (Carrickbyrne) in co. Wexford. A Nicholas fitz Stephen is noted with lands in 1345 near Rosbercon and New Ross. In 1346 an Oliver Howel was a witness of a grant [of the de Bathe family] in the tenement of Carmerdyneston, given at Aghbillir (Aghaviller. co. Kilkenny). In 1361 Oliver son of Howell son of Stephen (above mentioned) held the lordship of 'Lotheran' in co. Kilkenny. In 1373, Walter son of Walter son of Oliver (above mentioned) quitted claim of Kilkenny lands to a grandson of Nicholas Howell Walshe, a date which may indicate the period when the name Walsh was adopted by the family.
3. John Fitz-Stephen de France [16]. He had one son who died without issue.
4. Robert Fitz-Stephen de France [16].
In 1324 Philip Franceys held a quarter fee in Ballytory, in Tacumshane, Ireland. The form of the name changed during the fourteenth century from Franceys into Frenshe. In the beginning of the 14th century, this branch settled in Wexford, Ireland [1]. (I was in this castle and will add more data and photos when I unpack them. Mara)
Castle, County Wexford
In Wexford, Ballytory continued in the hands of the family. In 1416, Nicholas, son of Matthew Ffrench, was appointed a coroner for the county and his heirs held the fee about 1425. John Ffrench of Ballytory married Catherine Rossiter of Rathmacknee castle, one of whose sons, Nicholas, became Bishop of Ferns in 1604. Patrick Ffrench was a M.P. in 1642 [1].
View of Ferns from Castle tower, and Ferns Castle
Nicholas Ffrench, the son of Matthew Ffrench, b. and d. in Wexford County, Ireland, m. Mary Murphy Cullenstown. This family is assumed to be part of the Ffrench family of Ballytory Castle near Tacumshane in 1324 of which Nicholas Ffrench died there in 1328. His ancestor was among the first Normans to land in Ireland ca. 1169 in Bannow, County Wexford. The Normans came from Normandy, France in 1066 with William the Conqueror. In 1425 Walter Ffrench of Wexford moved to Galway and the Ffrench surname became one of the first 14 surnames in Galway, Ireland, known as the “Tribes of Galway”. See FFA Chart #IRED.
The last proprietor before the Cromwellian confiscations in 1649 was another Ffrench named Nicholas who had a large estate in Tacumshane. It is not known when they came to the parish of Bannow, but they have had their roots in the area since the early sixteenth century. Below is a letter written by Nicholas Ffrench about the Wexford massacre [10]. (the book was not appropriately copied at the left margin)
These Ffrenches came from a family noted for their longevity, some of whom lived beyond the century. The oldest recorded member is that of Walter Ffrench of Grange (1561-1701), who died at the age of 140. Tradition has it that he was in Wexford purchasing irons for the plough. Having made his purchase, he left them on the ground while yoking the horse. He then got into the cart, but seeing the irons on the ground, he jumped down to get them. In the meantime, the horse moved off and, try as he could, Walter was not able to catch up with the animal until he reached Bannow, carrying the irons with him. He retired to bed and was found dead the next morning. (I have a photo of his gravestone and many other Ffrenches in the Bannow Cemetery, but they are on my old analog camera, not digitized, but they will be added someday. Photos were taken in August 1997. Mara French)
The two Bannow branches were at Grange and Vernegly. A great-grandson of Walter Ffrench was Laurence Ffrench (1777-1860), who fought at the Battle of Vinegar Hill on 21 Jun 1798 between forces of the British Crown and United Irishmen. Over 10,000 British soldiers launched an attack on Vinegar Hill outside Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford, the largest camp and headquarters of the Wexford Irish. Laurence rented the Farmhouse from Mr. Boyse after it had ceased to be a school.
A son of Laurence Ffrench was Peter Ffrench. Peter set out for Australia in his own sailing ship. After braving the rough seas and rounding the Cape of Good Hope, he arrived penniless in Sydney, sold his ship and bought a farm in New South Wales. He called his estate "Vernegly" after his home place in Bannow. Other members of the family went to live in New Ross, Co. Wexford, Ireland; from them comes Fr (Father) Gregory Ffrench (living in Galway in 1702), S.J. (Jesuit - Society of Jesus), and the late Fr Cornelius Ffrench, P.P. (Parish Priest). There are many branches of the family in the parish today, all having some association with the Grange branch [1].
A large French family lives in Johnstown, near Bannow, in
Wexford, Co., Ireland. The following list shows Baptisms in Rathanga, Co.
Wexford, website:
Date Child Father Mother
Relationship of these Ffrenches to one another is unknown unless stated. The dates given at the left are only the dates of when the event took place, not necessarily the birthdate.
1066 William the Conqueror and the Battle of Hastings. The Ffrenches migrated from Normandy, France to England.
1169 First Ffrench ancestors, a Norman, arrived in Bannow, Co. Wexford, Ireland
1324 Philip Franceys held a quarter fee in Ballytory, in Tacumshane, Ireland
1324 Nicholas Ffrench of Ballytory died there in 1328.
1375 Matthew Ffrench
1416 Nicholas Ffrench, son of Matthew Ffrench, was appointed a coroner for the county and his heirs held the fee about 1425.
1421 Patrick Ffrench obtained large tracts of land in Wexford soon after the Anglo-Normal invasion, and built the castle of Ballytory, near the town of Broadway in the barony of Forth. From him are descended the Ffrenches of Castle French, county Galway, ca. 1421. Patrick Ffrench, merchant of Wexford, seized of all land in the insula called our Lady’s Island.
1425 Walter Ffrench of Wexford moved to Galway and the Ffrench surname became one of the first 14 surnames in Galway, Ireland, known as the “Tribes of Galway”. See FFA Chart #IRED.
1561-1701 Walter Ffrench of Grange died at the age of 140.
1630 John Ffrench of Ballytory, m. Christina Rosseter or Rossiter of Rathmacknee castle, one of whose sons, Nicholas below, became Bishop of Ferns in 1604.
1604-1678 Nicholas Ffrench, son of John of Ballytory and Catherine Rossiter, became Bishop of Ferns, see below.
1616 Robert Ffrench, of Ballytory in 1616, is described as seized of the lands of Ballytory.
1649-1653 Cromwellian Confiscations
1662-1742 John Ffrench, grandson of Walter Ffrench above (1561-1701).
-1752 Joseph Ffrench, brother of John Ffrench above (1662-1742), d. 4 Apr 1752
1721-1823 Thomas Ffrench, grandfather of Laurence Ffrench (1777-1860), d. 21 May 1823 at age 102.
1740-1763 Rev. James Nicholas Ffrench was curator in the parish from 1725 until he became parish priest in 740. He was buried in Our Lady’s Island in the old graveyard.
1642 Patrick Ffrench was a M.P.
1762-1846 John Ffrench, father of Laurence Ffrench (1777-1860), d. 14 Sep 1846 at age 84
1766-1851 Thomas Ffrench of farmhouse Bannow, d. 19 Jan 1851 at age 85. His wife Mary d. 19 Nov 1852 at age 36.
1777-1860 Laurence Ffrench, great-grandson of Walter Ffrench of Grange, fought at the battle of Vinegar Hill in 1798. He m. Elizabeth Cullinane (or Elizabeth Duke or Dable or Dark) who was b. in 1816 and d. 25 Feb 1845 at age 29. Laurence d. 30 Apr 1860. They had 4 children, Peter 1821-1888, Nicholas, Walter or Laurence, Thomas 1816-.
1816 Thomas Ffrench, son of Laurence Ffrench above, was born at Farmhouse, Bannow. The family was evicted from their farm when he was still a child and went to live at Newtown, near Ferrycarrig. They remained there for four or five years and then returned to Bannow.
1821-1888 Peter Ffrench, son of Laurence Ffrench above, m. Charlotte Hanton on 13 Oct 1841 [12]. Peter set out for Australia in his own sailing schooner from Bannow Bay with friends and relations in 1842 via Cape of Good Hope, to Sydney, NSW., Australia, where he sold the ship, purchased land, moved out to it, and had to begin by cutting down trees to make a log cabin. With the help of the native Australians, he cleared the bush for farming. The address of this new home was “Vernelly”, Ballabala, Braidwood P.O., Co. St. Vincent, N.S.W. [2]. Peter had 9 children: Sarah Jane Ffrench 1849-1933 who m. John Loughlin 1835-1923; Kate Ffrench 1859-1922; Peter Ffrench 1860-1917, Thomas Ffrench, 1845-1909; Richard Ffrench 1847-1928 m. Grace McGraft and had 2 children Fred and Charles; Elizabeth Duke Ffrench 1844-1890 who m. Thomas Hickey; Nicholas Ffrench 1853-1918; Fred Ffrench 1851-1920?, and Edith Ffrench 1855-1885 [2]. All children listed below.
The Wexford Free Press, Jan. 14, 1928, in a report of the resignation of his son from a future N.S.W. Government – a report probably supplied by Peter of Harpoonstown, says: “Peter Ffrench Loughlin and Peter Ffrench ez-N.P. are first and second cousins. The ex Minister’s Grand-father, Peter Ffrench, Vernelly, Ballalabe, Braidwood, left the Farm House, Bannow, this old home, in 1842, and emigrated to New South Wales where he took up a large farm just on the borders of untenanted Government Land. He proved a remarkably successful farmer, and was known as a kindly hospitable man. The priests were always welcome guests, and many of them when on duty in that vast country often paid a visit to the Vernelly Ranch, and amongst them was one of a well-known Wexford name, Fr. D’arcy . . . “
1844-1929 Peter Ffrench son of Thomas Ffrench above of Farmhouse Bannow (1766-1851), was principal teacher in Bannow for five years. In 1870 he m1. Anastasia Duke, daughter of Mark Duke, of Rathangan, succeeded to the Browne farm. After his wife's death, he m2. 1901 the widow of Walter Kehoe, formerly Elizabeth Power, of Ballinahask. Elizabeth Power d. 14 Jan 1917 at age 62. Peter was a most successful farmer and a good employer. He was a life-long Nationalist and was almost the last of those who took a leading part in the Land League and the National League movements. In 1893 he was M.P. for South Wexford until 1918, for 25 years.
The family was evicted from their farm and they went to live at Newtown, near Ferrycarrig. They remained there for four or five years and then returned to Bannow. In 1893 Peter Ffrench succeeded John Barry as M.P. for South Wexford and was a speaker at all the big National League meetings in the county. At the time of the Parnellite split, he took the side of the anti-Parnellites, but later became one of the staunchest supporters of John E. Redmond. He did a lot for both farmers and laborers as a member of the Irish Parliamentary Party. His term of office lasted without a break for 25 years, retaining his seat through several general election contests. In 1918 he lost his seat to Dr. Jim Ryan, the Sinn Fein candidate, who was elected by a margin of 518 votes.
The Old Quay at Bannow (built in 1684) was in Vernegly and was a very prosperous place when boats were calling there to unload their cargoes. It had a shop which carried on a sound business, mostly in hardware. It was owned by Ffrench and Donnelly who lived at the quay over the shop. Mr. Ffrench was an uncle to Peter Ffrench, M.P. Peter d. in Harpoonstown on 1 Nov 1929 at the age of 85. Peter was educated privately [14].
Home of Peter French, b. 1844, d. 1929, in Harpoonstown on 54 acres, for sale on 29 Jul 2004, listed in the Farmer’s Journal of 10 Jul 2004, page 28 [13]. Peter became M.P. for South Wexford.
1839-1922 John Ffrench, d. 21 Mar 1922 age 83 years.
1842-1875 Gregory Ffrench, brother of Peter Ffrench above (1844-1929), d. 12 Aug 1875 at age 33.
Children of Peter
Ffrench above, 1821-1888
1844-1890 Elizabeth Duke Ffrench, m. Thomas Hickey [2].
1845-1909 Thomas Hanton Ffrench [2]. Fifteen months after Thomas’ death, his wife passed quietly away. He left a nice property and a lot of money in the bank which was divided among his children who all married, except for two daughters.
1847-1926 Richard Ffrench [2], m. Grace McGraft and had 2 children, Fred and Charles Ffrench who lived at Ballalaba. Charles was an invalid.
1849-1933 Sarah Jane Ffrench, great-grandmother of Ref [2], moved to Australia and married John Loughlin (from Wicklow, Ireland) in Australia. They had a son, Peter Ffrench Loughlin, b. 1881, m. 1906 to Louisa Davis, d. 11 Jul 1960, who became the Deputy Premier of NSW [2]. From the Sydney Catholic Press, 26 Jan 1933: “Mrs. Sarah Jane Loughlin, a well-known Goulburn resident relict of the late John Loughlin, died at her residence Maude St. North Goulburn, on the 17th. Inst. After a comparatively short illness. The late Mrs. Loughlin who was 83 years of age, was a native of Braidwood district, where her parents, the late Mr. & Mrs. Peter Ffrench were numbered among the early settlers. Their old homestead “Vernelly” was landmark in the district, and it was here that Mrs. Loughlin married Mr. John Loughlin whose death occurred over nine years ago. After spending some years at Araluen, Major’s Creek, and Gininderra, Mr. & Mrs. Loughlin moved to Goulburn, where Mrs. Loughlin had resided for the past forty years. Besides her son, Mr. P. F. (Peter Ffrench) Loughlin M.L.A., Mrs. Loughlin is survived by six daughters: Sister Michael, (St. Clare’s Convent, Waverly), Rev. Mother Chanel (Lewisham Hospital, Wellington, New Zealand), Sister Damien (Convent of Mercy, Goulburn), Sister Veronica (Convent of Mercy, Goulburn), Mrs. T. Ryan (Emu Plains), Mrs. Vernon (Goulburn), and one sister Miss Kate Ffrench, Waverly. R. I. P.” [2]
1851-1920 Fred Ffrench [2].
1853-1918 Nicholas Ffrench [2].
1855-1885 Edith Ffrench [2].
1859-1922 Kate Ffrench [2].
1860-1917 Peter Ffrench [2], never married. His health failed. The doctors ordered him to travel, so he traveled inland in Australia and out west to improve his health [2].
Nicholas Ffrench, b. 1604 at Ballytory, Tacumshane, Co. Wexford, d. at Ghent, Belgium on 13 Aug 1678 [4]. He studied at Louvain and appears to have been president of one of the colleges there, and on his return to Ireland in 1640 he was Minted parish priest of Wexford. During the Confederation War in Ireland he joined the Confederate party and took an active part in the deliberations of the Kilkenny Assembly. He was appointed Bishop of Ferns and was consecrated in November 1645. Though opposed to the party of Preston he favored the peace of 1648 against the Nuncio Rinuccini, but in the synod at Jamestown in 1650, he bitterly opposed the Ormond faction. With the fall of Wexford to the Cromwellians on 11 Oct 1649, he was forced into hiding [5]. He eventually escaped to the continent, first to France and thence to Spain. He was assistant bishop to the Archbishop of Santiago (1652-66), to Archbishop of Paris (1666-68), and the Bishop of Ghent, Belgium (1668-1678) [5]. In 1651 he went on a deputation to the Duke of Lorraine to solicit his assistance against Cromwell, and to offer him the protectorship of Ireland, but this mission having proved a failure he remained on the Continent. It is not clear whether it was at this particular period or later that he officiated for a while as coadjutor Bishop of Paris. He retired to Santiago in Spain, where he assisted the Archbishop of Santiago, and where he wrote his book, "Lucubrations of the Bishop of Ferns in Spain". At the Restoration period he was about to return to Ireland, but being greatly disliked by Ormond on account of his attitude at the conference at Jamestown, the permission that had been given was withdrawn, and he remained in different parts of the Continent, notably at Paris and Ghent. During this portion of his life he published many pamphlets on Irish affairs, which are extremely valuable for the elucidation of the history from the outbreak of the war till 1675. In his last years he appears to have officiated as assistant to the Bishop of Ghent, and in that city he died, aged seventy-three years. There, too, a magnificent monument was raised to his memory [4].
He was a man of great literary activity as is evident from his numerous works. Besides a course of philosophy still in manuscript in March's Library, Dublin, he published "Queeres propound by the Protestant Party in Ireland concerning the peace now treated of in Ireland" (Paris, 1644); "A Narrative of Clarendon's Sale and Settlement of Ireland, etc." (Louvain, 1668); "The Bleeding Iphigenia" (1674), and "The Unkind Deserter of Loyal men and true friends", i.e. Ormond (Paris, 1676). An edition of his works was prepared by Samuel H. Bindon and was published at Dublin, in 1846 [4].
For more on this article, see Collections on Irish Church History, and all pages about Nicholas Ffrench, the Bishop of Ferns, pgs. 6-22 [6]. Website:,M1
Also see Nicholas French on Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia
The name Bannow is a hybrid word, the suffix 'o' or 'oe' being added to the Celtic 'Ban' or 'bann'. The title, as it stands, originated with the Vikings or Norsemen and belongs to the ninth century.
The Bannow cemetery at the Roman Catholic chapel at Danescastle was probably built by Robert Fitzstephen, and by 1616 it was in a ruinous state.
Names of Ffrenches at the Bannow Cemetery in Wexford, Ireland below were copied by me in about 1990 from the original stones. I also have many photographs which I will add later – they are still in analog format. The parish of Bannow is shown below as #23. If you can find Wellingtonbridge on a map, Bannow Cemetery is at the tip of an estuary at Bannow Bay. One could see how ships drifted toward the low shoreline of Bannow, the site of the Bannow cemetery. Photos were taken in August 1997. Mara
Walter Ffrench died 14 Jan 1701 aged 140 years
John Ffrench, grandson of above Walter, died 17 Jan 1742, aged 80
Joseph Ffrench, John's brother, d. 4 Apr 1752
Laurence's father, John Ffrench, 14 Sep 1846 aged 84 years
John French, 21 Mar 1922, aged 83 years (added to top of stone)
Bridget, d. 10 Oct 1906, aged 65 (added to top of stone)
Laurence Ffrench, rebel in 1798, d. 30 Apr 1860
wife Elizabeth nee Cullinane, d. 25 Feb 1845, age 29
Laurence's mother Mary, d. 9 Sep 1831, age 65
Laurence's grandfather Thomas, d. 21 May 1823, age 102
Thomas Ffrench farmhouse Bannow,
d. 19 Jan 1851, aged 85
wife Mary d. 19 Nov 1852, age 36
son Peter Ffrench, Member of Parliament for South Wexford in the British
Parliament for 23 years commencing Nov 1893, d. Nov 1, 1929, age 85 years
Peter's brother Gregory d. 12 Aug 1875, aged 33
Peter's wife Elizabeth nee Power, d. 14 Jan 1917, age 62
The Bannow Cemetery is very very near the ocean. It is a bit hard to find, on hilly land down in a hollow. There is a monastery there, all stone without windows or a roof. It is VERY interesting. It seems the town where those Ffrenches live is called Duncormick or something like that. That town has no street names nor house numbers, so if you go into town, just ask for the Ffrench family. One of the members of that family (Richard and Rosaleen Ffrench) used to live in San Leandro, CA, where I visited them in 1992, but they've moved to San Diego, CA. The Ffrench family in Duncormick, very near Bannow live on a farm and their house is way back from the road over a cow grate. They raise sheep. Their house and barn is sort of shaped like 2 L's facing each other, and in the middle live many animals, such as a horse, chickens, cows, cats, etc. One of the baby kittens was playing with some baby bees -- it was so cute. I stayed upstairs in the house. The kitchen downstairs had a long table for many people to eat on. I have a photo of Daniel and Andrew Ffrench, the two young children, shown below. The Ffrenches in Johnstown are also related to them. There is another castle closer to Wexford where the Ffrenches lived, Ballytory, which is the oldest castle, which I also visited. Photos to come – they are in analog format now. Photos were taken in August 1997.
Mara French visiting Danny and Andrew Ffrench on Aug 1, 1997, Duncormick, Co. Wexford, Ireland
Niall Patrick Ffrench who lives in San Diego, CA, at 11590 Windcrest Lane, Apt. 2113, San Diego, CA 92128. 619-675-1488 (no longer valid) is part of this family. Richard and Rosaleen now live at 12157 Eastbourne Rd., San Diego, CA 92128-3717, 858-675-1488. Niall Ffrench, b. 1973, is the son of Richard and Rosaleen Ffrench who did live in San Lorenzo, CA, back in 1992 when I visited them. Niall and his wife Annette can be reached at 619-823-1544.
Adrian Ffrench, Dublin
Anthony Ffrench, Co. Wexford
Bernard Ffrench, Dublin
Bridget Ffrench, Enniscorthy, Co., Wexford
Dorthe Ffrench, Ballinasloe, Co. Galway
Gerard Ffrench, Co. Wexford
Ian James Ffrench, Switzerland
James Ffrench, Co. Wexford
Jeanne Ffrench, Co., Wexford
Joan Ffrench, Co. Wexford
Joe Ffrench, Ballyhogue, Co., Wexford
Justin Marin Ffrench, Middlesex Tw6 7lx England
Karl Ffrench, Dublin
Laurenc Denis Ffrench, Dublin
Laurence Paul Ffrench, Dublin
Marie Ffrench, Ballyhogue, Co. Wexford
Martin Joseph Ffrench, Co. Wexford
Mary Ffrench, New Ross, Co. Wexford
Mary Ffrench, Co. Wexford
Michael Ffrench, New Ross, Co. Wexford
Nicholas Ffrench, Dublin
Nora Ffrench, Co. Wexford
Raoul Ffrench, Tallaght, Dublin
Robuck Ffrench, Ballinasloe, Co. Galway
Sean Ffrench, Co. Wexford
Sean K. Ffrench, Co. Wexford
Sonia Katherine Ffrench, Roxburghshire, Scotland
Tomas Ffrench, Co. Wexford
Veronia Mary Ffrench, Co. Wexford
[1] A Parish and Its People, History of the Parish of Carrig-On-Bannow, by Thomas C. Butler, O.S.A. , August 1985, p. 209 concerning the surname French, p. 202 concerning Peter ffrench, M.P., politician, p. 177 concerning the surname French.
[2] Peter Smith,, in Australia (good in 2008). My mum told me that we were Ffrench (one of the tribes of Galway) and that our relatives had many years ago penned the Mountains of Mourne but that was about it.
[3] Lillian and Jim Dickinson, (good in 2008).
[4] The Original Catholic Encyclopedia, website:
[5] Our Lady’s Island, Priests of the Island,
[6] Collections on Irish Church History, Bishops of Ferns,
Rev. Daniel McCarthy, 1873, p. 6, book website:
[7] Rootsweb,
[8] Richard ffrench-Constant, Division of Entomology, CSIRO, Black Mountain, GPO Box 1700, Canberra ACT 2601 Australia, Email (will be forwarded to Australia – no longer valid). Tel 61-6-246-4296 (lab), 61-6-246--4316 (office), 61-6-282-4018 (Home). Niall Ffrench says he is also part of their family. Richard is a professor of science in major diseases and a professor of molecular natural history at the University of Exeter, Cornwall Campus, England. His email there is He received his BS at Exeter in 1982, his MS at Southampton in 1983, and his PhD at Imperial in 1987.
Richard Ffrench-Constant
I am Richard Henry have two brothers Charles Anthony and Anthony Richard! My father is Martin Charles Ffrench-Constant and my grand father was Charles Frederick Ffrench-Constant of Feock who was the first radiographer at the royal Cornwall hospital here in Truro Cornwall. My father’s only brother was called Paul Ffrench-Constant.... probably Louis Paul....... and he had four children Edward. Sally, Tania, and Juliet. Edward lives here in Truro; all the others are in southern Africa where Paul was a doctor in Rhodesia. Yes I was at Cornell and then Madison. Then I returned to the uk to Bath and Exeter universities.....I am now at the new university in Falmouth Cornwall.......near Feock where my grand father came from. So I am home! I am told the Constant is Heugenot and that the Constants were one of the 42 french families that fled France under religious persecution in the 16 century..... perhaps they went to Ireland?? R
[9] Eircom Phonebook,
[10] The History of Ireland, Ancient and Modern, by Martin
Haverty, p. 581, website:
[11] Patricia Warr
[12] Bannow Register
[13] Farmer’s Journal, 10 Jul 2004, page 28, website:
[14] The House of Commons, February 1901, page 291, website:
[15] Richard Ffrench in San Diego, CA, 858-578-5995.
[16] From A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the
Landed Gentry of Great Britain and Ireland, by Bernard Burke, Published by
Harrison, 1858, 1404 pages. Website:
[17] Gary Welker,