French Family Association
The Official Website of the Surname French
St. Augustine of Canterbury Church, Birdbrook
Chart #EH, Thomas and Richard Frenche
Birdbrook and Steeple Bumpstead, County Essex, England
This chart updated by Mara French on 5/27/10. Numbers in brackets [ ] show sources and refer to the bibliography at the end of this chart. An asterisk (*) shows continuation of that line. Send any corrections or additions to this chart to Revisions: 2010.
Richard French
who died in 1624
Richard French
who died in 1629
Birdbrook is a village 10 miles NW of Halstead, Essex, England. Steeple Bumpstead is to the west of Birdbrook.
Henry Hutchings French, (No. 107), sends Pedigree (28 x 45) showing his descent from Thomas FRENCH, yeoman, of Martins in Steeple Bumpstead, Essex, of Messengers in 1479 Birdbrook and Tarbutts in Stambourne, whose will was proved 1545. Intermarriages in the direct line : FOKES, of Keddington, abt. 1562 FROST, at Cowlinge, 1634 (?) CALCOTT, of Straclishall, 1660 MANNING, of Westley, 1686 MARTIN, of Shelley, 1726 DOWSETT, abt. 1755 TRICKER, at Wickham Market, 1788 BLANCH, at Cranley, 1816 HUTCHINGS, of Collingbourne Ducis (Wilts.), 1848 DIXON, of Glasgow and of Tuphall, Hamilton, 1875 SAWYER, of Haseley Hall, Warwick, 1904. The Thomas French at the head of the pedigree was descended probably from FRENCH of Hockley [2].
Early Dissenting Baptismal Registers of Haverhill in Suffolk, previous to 1740: John FRENCH, of Hockley, Essex, d. 1493, Thomas and Sarah FRENCH, of Shudy Camps, Cambs., 1645 and onwards Manor Rolls of Hockley, Essex, previous to 1550, when the manor was in the hands of The Nunnery of Barking, Essex the families of CHANDLER. HAYDEN, HUTCHINS, of Wiltshire [2].
The Essex Record Office does not show any French records in Hockley after 1630 and until 1740.
1.1* Thomas Frenche,
b. ca. 1520. He may have been the Thomas Frenche who wrote his will on 17 Jul
1545 of Steeple Bumpstead [1]. There was a Thomas Frenche listed in the Essex
Wills of the Commissary Court, 1558-1569 by F. G. Emmison, p. 854, who witnessed
the will of, Joan Annis, widow, of Steeple Bumpstead, 11 Oct 1569.
Children of Thomas Frenche, 1.1
2.1* Thomas Frenche,
b. ca. 1545, d. ca. 1592. Thomas had a house in Bumpstead (presumably Steeple
Bumpstead, an adjacent parish to Birdbrook) D/ABW 14/31 [4]. Most likely lived
in Steeple Bumpstead on 1 Jun 1592 when a feoffment was issued concerning
Thomas Frenche, yeoman, T/A 197/1, concerning a land deed in 1592 which also
includes Richard Frenche and John French, and a newly built house in Steeple
Bumpstead, 29Õ x 19Õ, round about being the ÒQueneÕs WayÓ, commonly called Òthe
three waye leeteÓ. Also see 1588, Q/SR 106/8 – Thomas Frenche of Steeple
Bumpstead shows names of jurors. The latest date here is 1592 when Thomas was about
47 years old and his sons were about 22. These records are found at the ERO
(SEAX) online.
Children of Thomas Frenche, 2.1
3.1* Richard Frenche, b. ca. 1570, d. 20 Jan 1623/4 in Birdbrooke, a yeoman, m. ca. 1593 and had at least 2 children: Thomas and John who are mentioned in his will [3]. He m. Ann.
Richard wrote his will on 12 Mar 1622. In his will, he gives to the poorest people of Steeple Bumpstead, to his children and grandchildren mentioned below, and to his wife Anne. Most likely lived in Steeple Bumpstead on 1 Jun 1592 when a feoffment was issued concerning Richard Frenche, T/A 197/1. See his will below.
Richard Frenche was living in Steeple Bumpstead in 1589 when he is listed at the Essex Record Office on the Panel of the Hundred of Hinckford in 1589 with several other men as living in Steeple Bumpstead, Q/SR 107/14. Also see:
1585, Q/SR 93/6 – Richard Frenche of Steeple Bumpstead
1621, Q/SR 233/81 – Richard Frenche of Steeple Bumpstead
1585, Q/SR 95/8 – Richard Frenche of Steeple Bumpstead
1587, Q/SR 102/81 – Richard Frenche of Steeple Bumpstead
Children of Richard and Anne Frenche, 3.1
4.1* Thomas Frenche, b. ca. 1595, mentioned in his fatherÕs will of 1622, m. Anne ca. 1614 who is also mentioned in her father-in-lawÕs will of 1622. ÒAÓ Thomas Frenche is mention in court records on 20 April 1630 in Birdbrook when his house was broken into T/A 418/107/44.
4.2* John Frenche, mentioned in his fatherÕs will of 1622.
Children of Thomas and Ann Frenche, 4.1
5.1 Ann Frenche, b. after 1601 ca. 1615, mentioned in her grandfatherÕs will of 1622, who was younger than 21 years of age in 1622.
5.1 Em? Frenche, b. after 1601 ca. 1617, mentioned in her grandfatherÕs will of 1622, who was younger than 21 years of age in 1622.
5.3 Susan Frenche, b. after 1601 ca. 1619, mentioned in her grandfatherÕs will of 1622, who was younger than 21 years of age in 1622.
Children of John Frenche, 4.2
5.1 John Frenche, b. after 1598, mentioned in his grandfatherÕs will of 1622, who was younger than 24 years of age in 1622.
5.2 Lydia Frenche, b. after 1601, mentioned in her grandfatherÕs will of 1622, who was younger than 21 years of age in 1622.
The Guildhall in Steeple Bumpstead
1.1* Thomas Frenche,
b. ca. 1570. He had a house in Bumpstead (Steeple Bumpstead, an adjacent parish).
Thomas Frenche owned Hersted-Hall, alias Hastings-Hall, in Birdbrook. The Heron
family first owned it, then sold the estate to Thomas Frenche, whose son Thomas
Frenche, that died 25 May 1629, held the site of the maner of Hersted Hall, and
Barnfield, Meadowfield, Hersted Hall wood, and Lavenhams all in Birdbrook.
Richard, his son, was then aged upwards of 20 years, born 1609 or before [1, p.
Children of Thomas Frenche, 1.1
2.1* Richard Frenche, b. ca. 1609 (considering that he married in 1627 and that he was aged upwards of 20 years in his fatherÕs will of 1629, from the Saffron Waldon Record Office) perhaps in Steeple Bumpstead or Birdbrook. He m. Margaret Wilson on 2 Apr 1627, the daughter of Edward Wilson of Trumpington, Cambridgeshire, England, about 19 miles from Birdbrook. A member of the LDS Church has submitted a non-extracted IGI record relating to the marriage of a Richard Frenche to a Margaret Wilson on 02 Apr 1627 in Trumpington. According to this record, Margaret was born in or near Trumpington about 1606. About the time of this marriage, RichardÕs father executed and delivered to MargaretÕs father certain written obligations which are mentioned in the will. I assume that these obligations were a condition precedent to the marriage [4].
RichardÕs will of 24 Jul 1629 states that his father was Thomas Frenche. He names 2 children in his will during their short 2-year marriage: Richard and Thomasine, each of whom was under 21 years of age when the will was executed. Assuming that this was the first marriage for both Richard Frenche, the testator, and Margaret, and that the marriage actually took place in 1627, these children would have been very young when the will was executed. Richard FrencheÕs will of 24 Jul 1629 is recorded at D/ABW 49/13. See his will below. It appears from this will that RichardÕs trust in his father-in-law, Edward Wilson, was something less than total. See the last part of the will [4].
Thomas Bendishe sold the Steeple Bumpstead Manor after 1603 to Richard and Thomas Frenche, and later sold them to Edward Symonds, Esquire, who died 7 Sep 1637 [1, p. 349]. It is assumed that in 1603 the Frenches were adults born before 1575, which was certainly the base with Thomas, but perhaps Richard was his young son.
2.2 Thomas Frenche,
d. 25 May 1629, held the site of the maner of Hersted Hall, and Barnfield,
Meadow-field, Herstedhall Wood, and Lavenhams all in Birdbrook [1, p. 346]. He
died only 2 months before his brother Richard died, perhaps of the same
Children of Richard and Margaret (Wilson) Frenche, 2.1
3.1 Richard Frenche, b. ca. 1627 probably in Steeple Bumpstead, County Essex [4].
3.2 Thomasine Frenche,
b. ca. 1628 probably in Steeple Bumpstead, County Essex [4].
1629 Isaac French, husband, Hockley
1669 Nicholas French, yeoman, Steeple Bumpstead
1630 Sarah French, widow, Hockley
1589 John French, Steeple Bumpstead. John French (Frenche) of Bumpstead-at-the-Tower (Steeple Bumpstead), 15 Sep 1589. I give half of my goods to my 6 children, i.e., Thomas, John, and Henry my sons and Elizabeth, Priscilla and Margaret my daughters, to be equally divided at 21; provided that Thomas French my father shall take the same half to bring up Henry and Margaret and pay it to them. The other half, my other 5 children being brought up in the fear of God and in all things necessary for them, to Anne my wife, whom I ordain exÕrix. If she refuse to prove my Will, her gift to be void, and then my father shall pay her £40 and bring up my other 5 children and be exor. Wit. Thomas Coote, Thomas Fyche, proved 17 Apr 1589.
1.1 Thomas French, father
2.1 John French who d. 1589, m. Anne
3.1 Thomas French
3.2 John French
3.3 Elizabeth French
3.4 Priscilla French
3.5 Henry French
3.6 Margaret French
1545 Thomas French Sr., Steeple Bumpstead -- this list proves he had a son Thomas because it
states "Sr."
D/ABW 45/156, Essex Record Office, research and transcribed by J. Michael Frost on March 4, 2010, email:
Repository: Essex Record Office
Level: Category: Archdeaconry records
Level: Sub-Fonds: WILLS
Level: Item Will: RICHARD FRENCH of BIRDBROOK, yeoman
Reference Code: D/ABW 45/156
Dates of Creation: 20 January 1623/4
In the name of god Amen, the 12[?]th day of March in the yeare of our Lord god 1622. I Richard ffrenche of Bird broke in the countye of Essex yeoman beinge of good under standing and memory praysed be god therefore, doe make & ordeyne this my psent last will and testamt. in manner and fforme followinge (and) ffirst I commend my soule into the hands of Almightye god my creator trusting assuredly through the merrysy of Jesus christ his only sonn my alone savyour and redeemer to be made ptaker of eternall life. And I comend my bodye to the earth whereof yt was made ther to rest in hope of A gloyous resurrecion to life everlastinge Item I gyve and bequeath unto ye poorest people of Birdbroke aforesaid twentye shillinges of Lawfull mony of England to be distrybuted amongst them at the discretion of my executor and the overseer of the said towne at two severall paymts. (viz) 10s thereof at the Ester next followinge after my decease, And the other 10s residue thereof, that tyme twelve monthes. Item I gyve and bequeath unto ye poorest people of Steple Bumsted ffortye shillinges to be distrybuted amongst them, at their discretion of my executor and the overseer of the said prsh, to be paid at two severall paymts. (viz) 20s thereof upon the ffirst day of January next followinge after my decease And the other 20s resydue thereof that day twelve month. Item I gyve and bequeath unto the poore people of _____ in _____ twentye shillinges of like monye, to be distributed amongst them by my executor at two paymts. (viz) upon the ffeast day of the natyvyte of our Lord comonly called Christmas, next followinge after my decease 10s and that day twelve monthes the other 10s resydue thereof. Item I gyve and bequeath unto Ann ffrench my daughter in Law wiffe to Thomas ffrench my son one pasture called _____ To hould the same to her and her assignes for and during her naturall life Item I gyve and beqyeath unto John ffrenche my sonn twentye shillinges of like mony Item I gyve and bequeath unto John ffrenche, sonn of my said sonn John twentye pounds of like mony to be paid unto him at the age of ffoure and twenty yeares. Item I gyve and bequeath unto Lydea ffrench daughter of my said son John Tenn pounds of like mony to be paid unto her at her age of 21 yeares. Item I gyve and bequeath unto Ann ffrench one of the daughters of the said Thomas my sonn ffortye pounds of like mony to be paid unto her at her age of one and twenty years. Item I gyve and bequeath unto Em[?] ffrench and Susan ffrench two other daughters of my said sonn Thomas, to each of them Tenn pounds, to be paid unto them as they shall accomplish their severall ages of one and twentye years. Item my will and meaneing ys that my Thomas my said sonn, shall quietlye, and peaceablye pay unto Anne[?] my wiffe, what she my said wiffe, shall in equitye demand, for and in consideration of her thirdes in those lands wch are my said son Thomasses' and in consideration of those lands wch I sould The same to be paid her quarterlye by equall porcons. And also that he my said sonn Thomas shall _____, and allowe unto her duringe her naturall life, sufficient necessaries, meate, and _____. Item I gyve and bequeath unto my said wiffe and unto Thomas my said sonn All my goods and chattles, whatsoever to be equally _____ and devyded between them. And I doe hereby make, ordeyne and appoynt my said sonn Thomas my sole executor of this my psent last will and testamt. And I doe hereby revoke and adnull all other former wills and testamts at any tyme heretofore by me made Ratifyeinge and confirming this to be my only last will In witnes whereof I the said Richard ffrench have hereunto sett my hand and seale the day and yeare ffirst above written.
[Signature illegible]
These beinge witnesses
[Signatures illegible]
D/ABW 49/13, Essex Record Office, research and transcribed by J. Michael Frost on March 6, 2010, email:
Will: Richard French of Birdbrook: Yeoman
Repository: Essex Record Office
Level: Category: Archdeaconry records
Level: Sub-Fonds: WILLS
Level: Item: Will: RICHARD FRENCH of BIRDBROOK: Yeoman
Reference Code: D/ABW 49/13
Dates of Creation: 24 July 1629
[Note by compiler: This will is difficult to read, and there can be no assurance that the compiler has read it correctly.]
In the name of God Amen the Laste daye of June Anoqe Dom 1629 In the ffifthe yeare of the Raigne of our Sov[r]aigne Lord Charles by the grace of God of England Scottland ffrance and Ireland Kinge Defender of the ffaythe &c. I Richard ffrench of Bird brooke in the County of Essex yeom Allthough sicke and weake in Body yet in good & pfect mynde and Remembrance Prayse and Thanks be given to Allmighty God therefore revokeing hereby _____ in deed and Lawe all fformr wills & Testamts what ever by me made doe make and ordaine this my last will & Testament in mann and fforme heareafter expressed. Imprimis I Comende my soule to allmighty God that gave it Hopeing for Life evr lasting by and through the mercie and merritts of Jesus Christ my saviour And for my Body I comitt to the Earth from whence it came to be Buried in Christian buriall at the discretion of my Executrix hereafter nominated or otherwise appoynted Item it is my will intente and true meaneing that Margarett my wiffe whome hereafter I nominate and appoynte Executrix of this my last will shall within six monethes next after my decease paye or cause to be Payed to Thomas ffrench my ffather at or within the now dwelling house of the said Thomas called mar__ scituate in Bumpstead at the _____ in said County of Essex The sum of Eighteene Pounds of Good and lawfull monye of England uppon such security _____ as hereafter in this my psente will is expressed and menconed That is to saye, That he the said Thomas shall uppon the very daye of the receipt of the said sum of Eighteene Pounds sufficiently assume by deed or wrighting Indenture or _____ he said Thomas _____ And Edward willson of Trumpington in the County of Cambridge yeom my ffather in Lawe And _____ of Bumpstead afore said yeom _____ belonging to the said measuage or xxxxxxx Tenemts called mar___ As shall be valued & worth the ffull yearely rente of Twelve Pounds a yeare to be _____ And that the said Lands _____ bound to the said Edward willson & _____ and their heires _____ payment of the said Eighteene [?] pounds & the use and benefitt _____ in such mann fforme as hereafter in this my psente will is expressed or menconed (That is to say) That he the said Thomas his heires exer adm or assignes shall pay or cause to be payed halfe yearely rente unto Margarett my wiffe or her assignes untill Richard my sonn shall accomplish the ffull age of one & Twenty yeares The xxxx sum of six Pounds And ffyve shillings of Good And Lawfull monye of England at or wthin the now dwelling house of the said Thomas And that then he the said Thomas his heires exer adm or assignes shall paye or cause to be payed unto the said Richard his heires or assignes _____ ffull age of one and twenty yeares _____ the said measuages or Tenemts called mar_____ The sum of ffiftye Pounds of Good And Lawfull monye of England And unto Thomasine my daughter hir heires or assignes The sum of thirty Pounds of like monye as before said at the place before named And that then he the said Thomas his heires or assignes after the payemt of the said ffowerteene[?] pounds shall paye or cause to be payed unto the said Margarett my wiffe or hir assignes halfe yearely at the place before named dureing hir naturall life The sum of Three Pounds two shillings and five peence of like monye as before said And that then he the said Thomas his heires exer adm or assignes shall paye or cause to be payed at or wthin the place afore named unto the said Richard my sonn his heires or assignes wthin one month next after the death and decease of the said Margarett The sum of ffiftye Pounds of good monye as afore said And unto the said Thomasine hir heires or assignes the sum of Thirty Pounds of like monye as afore said And if eyther of my said Children Richard or Thomasine dye & depte this liffe before their said Portions come to be due in mann and fforme afore said and without Issue of their bodyes Lawfully begotten my will and meaneing is that hir or his Porcon soe deceased shall be Payed to the survivor of them his or hir heires or assignes at such tyme and place as it ought to have been payed to him or hir soe deceased If they were then Liveing. And the said Margarett my wiffe to have the benefitt of their Porcons after the mann and fforme afore said And if both my said Children Richard & Thomasine shall dye and depte this Liffe before their Porcons come to be due in mann and fforme afore said & without heires of their bodyes lawfully begotten It is my will That the said Thomas my ffather his heires exer adm or assignes shall Paye or cause to be payed to the said Margarett my wiffe or hir assignes at the place afore named wthin one moneth next after the death and decease of the said Richard and Thomasine the sum of ffourty Pounds of Good monye as afore said And if the said Margarett my wiffe shall dye and depte this liffe before eyther of the said children accomplish their said ages of one and twenty yeares then it is my will and meaneing that the said Thomas my ffather his heires & assignes shall have the use and benefitt of their Porcons towards their bringing up Provided all wayes that if the said Thomas my ffather shall refuse uppon the receipt of the said sum of Eighteene Pounds to putt in security ffor the payement thereof and the use and benefitt thereof _____ in such mann and fforme as afore expressed That then it is my will & meaneing that my exer shall _____ the said sum of monye in his hands & Paye the same to my said Children in such mann and fforme as afore expressed Item All my Goods Chattells bonds bills And specyallties whatsoevr I Give and bequeath to Margarett my wiffe whome I nominate and appoynte sole executrix of this my psente will ffor the payemt of my debts my Legacyes and other things in this my will bequeathed and seeing my body decently buried And lastly whereas my ffather Thomas ffrenche entered into sevall Obligations or wrightings aboute the day of the marriage of the said Richard & the said Margarett One for the makeing good my _____ of that fforme[?] where I now dwell rente at some value therein expressed and _____ ffor the payement of tenn Pounds to yearely to the said Margarett my wiffe dureing hir Liffe in such mann and fforme as in the same is menconed my will And meaneing is that Edward willson my ffather in Lawe unto whome these Obligations or wrightings are sealed and delivered shall wthin Twenty dayes next after my decease be delivered to the said Thomas ffrench or his assignes to be Cancelled and made voide And if said Edward willson shall refuse dureing twenty dayes next after my decease to deliver the said sevall Obligations or wrightings In mann as afore sd my will and meaneing is that the Guiftes given to the said Margarett my wiffe shall be utterly voide And of none effect And the said Thomas my ffather to be my Execut and bringe up my Children and Paye them their Porcons In wittnes whereof to this my psente will I have sett my hand and seale the daye and yeare ffirst Above written.
Richard ffrench
Published and declared to be the Last will and Testamt of the said Richard ffrench in the psence of us.
[Signatures illegible]
From website:
Thomas French 1676 17 Sep
Mary French 1681 21 Dec
Susan French 1683 30 Jan
Ann French 1746 06 Jun
Edward French 1758 Jun
Martha French 1788 27 Jan
See marriages here:
Essex Record Office
Level: Category
Records in public repositories
Level: Fonds
Level: Sub-Fonds
Calendar of Essex Assize File (ASS 35/29/2) Assizes
held at Chelmsford 24 July 1587
Reference Code
T/A 418/47/40
Dates of Creation
1 May 1587
Scope and Content
Indictment of Adsley of BOCKING clothier, (Tho. FRENCH of Great Waltham Yeoman, struck through, and Jophn
Taylor of Great Waltham husbandamn, with amny other unknown persons, 1 May
between 12p.m., and 1a.m broke into the house of Henry Purkas at stebbing, and
assaulted the said Hen., Agnes his wife, Richard Newnee, Richard Barbor,
William Portwey, Agnes Prtwaye and agnes Mewney and put them in fear of their
lives with the intention of despoiling them. Haddesly not in prison. Taylor
pleads not guilty; not guilty, but fled for the same. Billa vera for Adsley and
Taylor, ignoramus for FRENCHe.
(Ass 35/29/2/40)
Date From
Date To
Repository: |
Essex Record Office |
Level: Series |
Level: File |
Level: Item |
Panel of the Hundred of Hinckford |
Level: |
Item |
Reference Code |
Q/SR 107/14 |
Dates of Creation |
[1589] |
Title |
[Panel of the Hundred of Hinckford] |
Scope and Content |
Thomas Plumbe of Belchamp Walter Leonard Levytt of Stebbing first sworn John Rerye of BOCKING sworn Richard Crowche of the same sworn William Annys the elder of the same sworn Thomas Byett of Stebbing sworn Richard Levytt of the same sworn Philip Cowland of Great Saling sworn George Woode of Stisted sworn Henry Froste of Pentlow sworn Robert Springe of Belchamp St. Paul John Clarke of Little Maplestead sworn Giles Walford of Finchingfield Richard FRENCH
of Steeple Bumpstead William Chapman of Sturmere William Wade of Ridgwell Anthony Purcas of Great Yeldham |
Date From |
1589 |
Date To |
1589 |
[1] MorantÕs History of Essex, Vol. 2, p. 346. The History and Antiquities of the County of Essex by Philip Morant, 1978, found in the Halstead Public Library.
[2] The Second Supplement to the Second Edition of the International Genealogical Directory, edited by Chas. A. Bernau of Walton-on-Thames, England, 1909.
[3] Will of Richard French of Birdbrook dated March 1622[/23]. According to the Essex Record Office, this document was ÒcreatedÓ 20 January 1623/24. This will was transcribed by J. Michael Frost on 4 Mar 2010, email: D/ABW 45/156.
[4] Research by J. Michael Frost, email:
[5] Baptisms of Steeple Bumpstead, Karen at