French Family Association
The Official Website of the Surname French
Chart #57, Edward French, 1737
(combined with former Chart #44)
French’s Cove, Bay Roberts, Harbour
Grace, and Bareneed,
Newfoundland, Canada;
New Westminster, British Colombia, Canada
Third Generation
This chart updated by Mara French on 9/8/13. Numbers in brackets [ ] show sources and refer to the bibliography at the end of this chart. An asterisk (*) shows continuation of that line. Send any corrections or additions to this chart to Revisions: 2009, 2011, 2013.
GENEALOGY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Children of William French, 2.1
3.1 Sarah French
3.2 William French. He is listed in the microfilm copy of the Edward French Shipping Co. log [48]. He died at Harbour Grace on 27 Mar 1783 [50]. Notice that his brother’s (Edward) wife died one week later and is also listed in Ref. [50]. William may have married Anne French who d. 14 Sep 1784 as a Planter in Harbour Grace [50] – more research needed. William is listed in Ref. [52] as selling land in 1765. William was given land deeded as a gift from his father in 1780 [52].
Harbour Grace Waterfront ca. 1880 and ca. 1911
3.3* Edward French, b. 1737, d. 1783. From the LDS microfilm of the original record*. After Edward died in 1783, his son Edward carried on the company until ca. 1800. The company's headquarters was at Bay Roberts, Newfoundland [25]. Edward m. Elizabeth ca. 1762 [48]. Elizabeth d. 7 Apr 1783 as the wife to Edward French, Planter, of Bay Roberts [50]. Ref. [68] lists Edward’s Bay Roberts property in 1764 as “possess’d by his Ancestors for upwards of 130 years,” that is, before 1634 [68].
*In possession of Elvin French Burrows, Burnaby, B. C. is a logbook kept by the shipping company of Edward French this at Bay Roberts, Newfoundland, Canada. Elvin French Burrows is the son of Mary P. French from Newfoundland.
3.4 Elizabeth French, b. ca. 1747 and is listed in the microfilm copy of the Edward French Shipping Co. log [48].
3.5 Mary French, b. May 1749 and is listed in the microfilm copy of the Edward French Shipping Co. log [48].
3.6 William French, b. 1753.
3.7* John French, b. ca. 1755 and is listed in the microfilm copy of the Edward French Shipping Co. log [48]. Ref. [68] lists John’s Harbour Grace property of 1770 as “in Possession of the Family for upwards of 60 years,” that is, before 1710” [68]. John m. Mary Badcock on 10 Jun 1777 and both were from Bay Roberts.
John and Mary French
3.8 Thom French, b. ca. 1758 and is listed in the microfilm copy of the Edward French Shipping Co. log [48].