French Family Association

The Official Website of the Surname French

Chart #9, Thomas French, ca. 1610
Charlestown, Suffolk Co., MA
Guilford, New Haven Co., CT

Stratfield and Fairfield, CT

This chart updated by Mara French on 11/18/09. Numbers in brackets [ ] refer to the bibliography at the end of this chart. An asterisk (*) shows continuation of that line. Send any corrections or additions to this chart to Revisions: 1990, 2009.


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[1] Harry Dana French research notes, now at the N.H. Historical Society Library in Concord.

[2] New England Historical & Genealogical Register, July 1893 (vol. 47) page 357-361. Website: See screen capture in Records.

[3] Button Family, Essex Institute Historical Collection, Salem, MA vol 46, p. 348-53, which reportedly has errors.

[4] Button Families in America by R. Glen Nyde, 1971.

[5] Thomas French, website:

[6] Vital Records, Probate Records of Connecticut

[7] Boston Transcript

[8] Families of Early Guilford, CT

[9] History of Stratford, CT (many errors)

[10] History and Genealogy of the Families of Old Fairfield, CT

[11] FFA member Mary Grobis.

[12] Joan Faith Davis, 13 Wells Dr., Farmington, CT 06032.

[13] Leah Wilsey Millard's Genealogy and individual notes, website:

[14] Notes on Thomas French, website:

[15] New England Historical and Genealogical Register, by Henry Fitz-Gilbert Waters, p. 359, dated 1893, Volume XLVII.

[16] Genealogy of the Graves Family, website:

[17] Olive Tree Genealogy, Ship Records, webiste:

[18] Janice Chipman, email: (email good in 2008)

[19] Carolyn Jo Ames Raz, email:

[20] DNA Test for Chart #9:

[21] Re: Charles & Ichabod French family
Author: Mona M Long Date: 22 Mar 2002 9:12 PM GMT 
Surnames: french, olmstead 
Classification: Query 
In Reply to: Re: Charles & Ichabod French family by: chris karns 
Post Reply | Mark Unread | Report Abuse Print Message 
Ichabod (ie. Ichobod) French was on the Census for cayuga county, NY, several years show him in Brutus township in 1850, at the age of 71 he is shown with Abigail (nee Olmstead), still a farmer, birthplace for both Conn.
The 1820 Census, listed a son (age 20*30) , a son (age10*15)---which would have been charles at age 10., a dau age 10*15 and a second daughter age 15*20.
the trail ends with them there and I have been unable to locate marriage or birth records to name Charles's siblings or Ichabod's parents. 


[22] Email from Michael DeForest, August 2004

[23] Robert M. Wells Family Genealogy Project, by Robert M. Wells: Email:, website: 

FRENCH, Abner T b: 29 APR 1844 in Bangor, Penobscot, Maine, USA

FRENCH, Amos b: 06 JUN 1826 in Sutton, Brome, Quebec, Canada d: 14 MAR 1883 in North Sutton, Quebec, Canada

FRENCH, Anna Hammond b: 04 JUN 1840 in Bangor, Penobscot, Maine, USA d: 07 JUN 1840 in Bangor, Penobscot, Maine, USA

FRENCH, Arvilla b: 1851 in Rives, Jackson, Michigan, USA d: 07 SEP 1853 in Rives, Jackson, Michigan, USA

FRENCH, Atta Bell b: ABT 1855 in Rives, Jackson, Michigan, USA

FRENCH, Charles b: SEP 1846 in New York, USA d: 18 OCT 1846 in New York, USA

FRENCH, Charles E b: 17 MAY 1810 in Brutus, Cayuga, New York, USA d: 26 APR 1882 in Jackson, Michigan, USA

FRENCH, Charles H b: 09 JUL 1838 in Bangor, Penobscot, Maine, USA d: 26 OCT 1868

FRENCH, Charles H b: ABT 1875 in Michigan, USA

FRENCH, Columbus b: 1836 in New York, USA

FRENCH, Cynthia b: 1842 in New York, USA

FRENCH, Daniel Mead b: in Wasco, Oregon, USA

FRENCH, Dependence b: 25 DEC 1714 in Braintree, Norfolk, Massachusetts, USA d: 16 NOV 1803

FRENCH, Dependence b: 21 APR 1739 in Braintree, Norfolk, Massachusetts, USA

FRENCH, Elbridge Tucker b: 1862 in New Jersey, USA d: 1862 in New Jersey, USA

FRENCH, Ella L b: 1869 in New Jersey, USA

FRENCH, Ephraim H b: MAR 1822 in Sutton, Brome, Quebec, Canada d: 12 SEP 1880 in Pleasanton Alameda, Alameda, California, USA

FRENCH, Etta D b: 04 OCT 1854 in Rives, Michigan, USA

FRENCH, Etta Delta b: 04 OCT 1854 in Rives, Michigan, USA

FRENCH, Frederick F b: 31 AUG 1841 in Bangor, Penobscot, Maine, USA d: 06 JAN 1870

FRENCH, Fredrick F b: 31 AUG 1841 in Bangor, Penobscot, Maine, USA d: 06 JAN 1870

FRENCH, George S b: 16 NOV 1806 in Boston, Massachusetts, USA d: 15 FEB 1849 in Bangor, Penobscot, Maine, USA

FRENCH, George Z b: 17 APR 1834 in Bangor, Penobscot, Maine, USA d: 09 OCT 1904

FRENCH, Harold L b: 1873 in New Jersey, USA d: 1875

FRENCH, Hiram Elbridge b: AUG 1838 in New Jersey, USA d: 1915 in Miller Cemetery, New Gretna, NJ

FRENCH, Horace

FRENCH, Ichabod

FRENCH, Ida Louise b: 03 SEP 1857 in Rives, Jackson, Michigan, USA d: NOV 1942 in Jackson, Michigan, USA

FRENCH, Irving b: 14 AUG 1848 in Rives, Jackson, Michigan, USA d: 03 NOV 1905 in Jackson, Michigan, USA

FRENCH, Jasper b: 1845 in New York, USA

FRENCH, Joseph b: 1833 in Cayuga, New York, USA d: 08 DEC 1957 in Michigan, USA

FRENCH, Josiah b: 25 JUL 1849 in Bangor, Penobscot, Maine, USA d: 18 AUG 1894

FRENCH, Lucinda b: 1830 in Ohio, USA

FRENCH, Maria T b: 18 AUG 1836 in Bangor, Penobscot, Maine, USA d: 15 JUN 1874

FRENCH, Mary b: 16 APR 1731 in Massachusetts, USA

FRENCH, Mary b: 03 JAN 1766 in Stoughton, Norfolk, Massachusetts, USA

FRENCH, Mary Gertrude b: NOV 1876 in New Jersey, USA

FRENCH, Maud b: ABT 1877 in Michigan, USA

FRENCH, Paul M b: ABT 1883 in Oregon, USA

FRENCH, Paul Sears b: 30 NOV 1907 in Wasco, Oregon, USA

FRENCH, Phebe b: ABT 1864 in New Jersey, USA

FRENCH, Rachel b: in Michigan, USA

FRENCH, Tertius b: 08 FEB 1824 in Sutton, Brome, Quebec, Canada d: 14 AUG 1899

FRENCH, William H b: 19 MAR 1847 in Bangor, Penobscot, Maine, USA d: 1898

[24] Weedsport Rural Cemetery, Brutus, NY, burials 1860-1958.

[25] Sally Dingsoyr, Potsdam, NY, her French ancestors bought a house/restaurant and 1 acre of land in Potsdam, NY in 1844 which they called the American Bistro. It stayed in the French family until 1885 when it was sold out of the family. Sally bought the restaurant back 100 years later in 1985, and ran a restaurant business there. Phone: 315: 265-9136. Email: (good in 2009). “Tales of my Tribe”, the French Family’s History of South Potsdam, NY, by Sally Tupper Sherman Anderson, ca. 1978, 67 pages.

[26] Bill French, contributor of FFA Chart #11, also from Stratford, CT, 908 Town & Country Blvd Ste 230
Houston, TX 77024
fax 713-365-0005

[27] Rebecca Siciliano, email:

[28] Susan Weichsel, email:

[29] First Church of Guilford, CT, website:

[30] History of Guilford, Connecticut, from its First Settlement in 1639, by Hon. Ralph Dunning Smith, 1877. Website:,M1

p. 14, Thomas French is listed as a planter in the original records and he had not been admitted as a freeman.

p. 15, Thomas French appears to have been in Guilford as early as 1646.

p. 24, Thomas French is listed in 1657 and 1658 as a freeman.

p. 27, Thomas French, who although not among the first settlers, came very early.

p. 59, Thomas French, planter, took his oath on 14 Aug 1645 in Guilford.

p. 182, John French was a Town Clerk from 1716 to 1717.

[31] Thomas French of Guilford, CT, by A. D. Weld French, Esq., of Boston, July 15, 1890, p. 357 - 361. Website:

[32] History of the Colony of New Haven by Edward E. Atwater, Robert Atwater Smith, Bessie E. Beach, and Lucy m. Hewitt, 1902, website:

[33] Maurice J. Sherman, 15381 Chelsea Dr., San Jose, CA 95124 in 1986). Relative of Sally Dingsoyr.

[34] Vermont Families in 1791, Volume 3. Website:, email:

[35] History of Macoupin County, Illinois, on microfilm in Dallas Library, TX from Carolyn Raz, regarding Nathaniel French’s daughter Sarah French.

[36] FFA member Jean F. Gilmore, 1300 N. Horse Prairie Road, Inverness, FL 32650.

[37] FFA member Virginia Zadorozny, 153 Stafford St., Palmyra, NY 14522.

[38] French and Howard, by Lowell French, FFA Library F055.

[39] Brian & Jenny Walker, Proprietors ~ 6885 SR 11 Potsdam, NY 13676 ~ Phone (315) 268-1844 | Fax (315) 265-4751. Website:, Email:

[40] John Allen Mallory, email:, 55 Mill Plain Rd., Danbury, Fairfield Co., CT 06811-5134, 203-794-9263.

[41] Keith Michael French, 1708 Keoniloa Place, Koloa, HI 96756, (808) 742-7975, or

[42] Susan H. with 1850 Milwaukee Wisconsin census records.

[43] Chris Havnar (f) cousin to [1] (old email) I understand some of the family is featured in the various Santa Clara County Histories. And I have a vague recollection of meeting an uncle "Alfred Gallagher" with my mother on the Portola Hike in Pacifica more than 20ish years ago .... and the comment that the older generation(s) wouldn't approve of the civil conversation. Chris is researching in Santa Clara, the names Gallagher, French, Purcell, Sarsfield, and Seely.

[44] Biography of Alden French.

[45] Diane Ollivett-Miles, (old email)

[46] History of Dummerston, Windham Co., VT, website:

[47] Oxford Past, Oxford, New Haven Co., CT, cemeteries, genealogy, and history project. Website: See the land map of the French family in 1852 bottom.

[48] Headstone Inscriptions of the Old Stratfield Cemetery in Bridgeport, CT, copied by Chas. H. Oakley on 20 Dec 1934. Website:

Mabe French, relict of Samuel, died May 2, 1937 or 1837, age 76.
Serg’t Samuel French, died 20 Dec 1732, age 65, Patriot’s Flag
Sarah French, wife of Gamalel, died May 27, 1758, age 31.
Hannah French, wife of Gamalel, died Oct 10, 1745, age 33.
Gamaliel French, died June 28, 1828, age 72, Rev. War  Flag.
Susannah French, wife of Gamaliel, died Mar 18, 1835, age 74
Anna French, wife of James R., died Mar 18, 1841, age 70
James R. French, died Jan 14, 1835, age 83, Rev. War Flag
Julia Ann French, daughter of James R. & Ann, died Apr 20, 1825, age 16.
Drucilla Wheeler French, daughter of Joseph B. and Drucille, died Aug 29, 1810, age 10 mos.
Drucilla French, wife of Capt. Joseph B., died Jun 25, 1830, age 41.
Mary French, wife of James, died Feb 10, 1803, age 45 years 10 mos.

[49] Madison, CT, Marriage Records to 1800, from Early Connecticut Marriages Prior to 1800 by Frederick W. Bailey. Madison was incorporated in 1826 having originally been a part of Guilford. The First Congregational Church of Madison was organized in 1707. Website:

[50] History of Jericho, VT, website:

[51] A History of the Old Town of Stratford and the City of Bridgeport, CT by Rev. Samuel Orcutt, 1886. This book seems to have many errors in it, especially with Jehiel French.

[52] Trumbull Congregational Church, 1730-1931.

French, Abiah, of Trumbull, m Matson Clark of Huntington Feb 21, 1821

Abagail, ch mem 1850

Abaigail adm ch Sept 1852 on Profession

Almond, adm ch May 4, 1845, on profession

Almond, adm ch 1845, dism Feb 1862

Anna, d Capt John French & Elesebeth b Mar 16, 1769, bp Mar 19

Benjamin, s Lieut John & Elesibeth b Nov 9, 1763, bp Nov 11

Betsey, Sherman & Roda children of Samuel bp Apr 1794

Betsy Lavinia, Miss d Jan 1846 age 21

Bette, d Lieut John French & w Bette, b Oct 3, 1761

Carrie E of Bridgeport m Samuel B Wheeler of Stepney Apr 14, 1875

Carrie M bp & adm ch Nov 8, 1868 on profession

Catharine Eunice d Sherman & Charity bp Nov 1, 1819

Charity adm ch Feb 13, 1818

Charity w Sherman French adm ch Mar 1, 1818

Charity d Oct 22, 1823 age 36

Charity P Miss adm ch July 1, 1849

Charity P of Hartford adm ch 1849

Charles Emmet s Cyrus & Mary bp Oct 1828

Charles S adm ch 1845

Charles S adm ch May 4, 1845 on profession

Cyrus & w Mary adm ch April 1817

Cyrus & w Mary ch mems Nov 9, 1825

Cyrus & w & wid Mary French dism Aug 9, 1829 by certificate to church of Durham NY

David s John & Elesebeth b Mar 8, 1750 bp Mar 11

David s Jehial & Abiah bp April 26, 1772

David m Eunice Nickols b of North Startford June 17,1779

David & w Eunice adm ch communion Oct 1, 1780

David & w Eunice mems of Christ Church, Trumbull Aug 12, 1807

David Jr & w adm ch June 18,1818

David Jr adm ch July 5, 1818

David d Sept 19,1818 age 69

David & w Polly B ch mems Nov 9, 1825

David & w Polly ch mems Jan 1, 1843

David 3d his infant child d Jan 11, 1844, Mrs David French 3d d Jan 13,

1844 age 32

David ch mem Nov 20, 1849 d Feb 12, 1850 age 56

David C of Trumbull m Sara F Blood of Stratford Apr 10, 1872

David Clark adm ch Mar 2, 1873, by letter from Cong Church manroe Conn

Ebennezar s Ebennezar & Ellenner bp May 8, 1757

ELijah B m Caroline M Hubbel 1854-5

Eliza, Salla, Harriet & Maria children of David Jr & Polly B bp Aug 7, 1818

Elisabeth & Hus John Renewed covenant Jan 14, 1749/50

Elisabeth d Cyrus & Mary bp April 19,1818

Elisabeth Jane d Cyrus & Mary bp April 19, 1818

Ella M bp & adm ch May 6, 1877 on Profession

Elwood dism & recom Feb 29, 1862 by ltr to Methodist Church, Easton

Emily A of Newtown m David S Brown of Middleberry Jan 17, 1863

Emma E bp & adm ch May 4, 1873 on profession

Emma E of Trumbull m Austin Hills of Windsor Locks Conn Oct 20, 1878

Ephraim s jerial & Eunice b Nov () 1758 bp Dec 31

Esther m Allen Corey June 28 1787

Esther adm ch June 18, 1818

Easther adm ch July 5, 1818

Esther d Oct 12, 1821 age 34

Esther Caroline child of Simeon & Esther bp Oct 11, 1821

Eunice & hus Jeriel renewed covenent Dec 31, 1758

Eunice & hus Jerial their child bp Sept 9, 1764

Eunice & hus David adm communion Oct 1, 1780

Eunice d Daivd & Eunice b Sept 6, 1785 bp Jan 20

Eunice & hus David mems of Christ Church Trumbull Aug 12, 1807

Eunice wid ch mem Nov 1825

Eunice wid d Mar 29, 1829 age 72

Ezrah s Jehiel & Abiah b Jully 1770 bp Sept 2

Ezra d June 23, 1823 age 53

Gamaliel m Susanah Brindsmaid b of Stratfield Jan 17, 1782

George, Samuel, Levi & Mary Ann children of Sherman & Charity bp June 21,


George m Susan Lyon b of Trumbull Mar 13, 1836

George ch mem Jan 1, 1843

George ch mem Nov 20, 1849

George B adm ch June 30, 1834 by ltr from Presb Church Middle granville NY

George H bp & adm ch May 6, 1877 on profession

George K adm ch May 4, 1873 on profession

George K m Ella M Booth Feb 9, 1876

George K d Oct 31, 1818 age 30

Hanna wid of John Jr renewed Covebant Apr 29, 1753

Hannah d Jeriah & Eunice bp July 26, 1761

Hanna d John & Elisebeth b May 17, 1766 bp May 25

Hannah of Newstartford m Samuel Parker Apr 21, 1768

Harriet, Salla, Eliza & Maria children of David Jr & Polly B bp Aug 7, 1818

Harriet adm communion Nov 1839 on profession

Hattie C bp & adn ch May 1, 1887 on profession

Hepzibah adm ch Dec 19, 1817

Hepzibah adm ch Jan 4, 1818

Hepzibah m Elnathan E Hurd feb 10, 1819

James W adm ch May 6, 1877 by Ltr

James W & w Mary F adm ch May 4, 1877 by Ltr from Cong Church Monroe She

by certif from Batist Church Stepney Conn

Jehial m Abiah Middle-Brooks ( ) 1769

Jerial m Eunice Turny b of North Stratford Dec 26, 1757

Jeriel & w Eunice renewed covenant Dec 31, 1758

Jerial & w Eunice their child bp Sept 9, 1764

Jerusha d Jerial & Eunice bp Nov 2, 1766

John & w Elisabeth renewed conenent Jan 14, 1749/50

John Jr m Mary Summers b of North Stratford Jan 26

John & w adm communion Apr 1786

John his child d April (2) 1790

John his w adm communion Mar 5, 1797

John Somers, William Birdsi & Rebecca children of Simeon & w Esther bp

June 6, 1819

Josiah s David bp May 1788

Legrand & Levi children of Sherman & Charity bp Oct 21, 1823

Levi, George, Samuel & Mary Ann children of Sherman & Charity bp June 21,


Levi d July 10, 1818 age 4

Levi m Betsy B Nichols b of Trumbull Nov 25, 1849

Lowis d Jehial & Abyah bp Oct 15, 1775

Lowis d John & Elisabeth b Aug 1776 bp Sept 6

Louis B adm ch Mar 2, 1873 on profession bp same time

Louis dism Aug 31, 1884 to 1st Presb Church Mason Texas

Lucey d john & elezibeth b Mar 1772 bp July 5

Lydia d David bp May 1797

Lydia d Sept 15, 1828 age 32

Mabel adm ch Sept 2, 1830

Maria, Salla, Eliza & Harriet children of David Jr & Polly B bp Aug 7, 1818

Mary d David & Elisebath b Feb 1, 1759 bp feb 4

Mary m David Strattin Dec 28, 1780

Mary d David & Eunice b June 1782 bp July 21

Mary w John mem of Christ Church Trumbull 1806

Mary & hus Cyrus adm ch April 1817

Mary & hus Cyrus ch mems Nov 9, 1825

Mary Mrs d jan 14, 1827 age 72 member presb church

Mary wid & Cyrus french & his wife dism Aug 9, 1829 by cert to church in

Durham NY

Mary Ann, george, Samuel & levi children of Sherman 7 Charity bp June 21,


Mary E & hus James W adm ch may 4, 1877 she by cert from Baptist Church

Stepney Ct he by lter from Cong Ch Monroe

Mary F (Taylor) adm ch May 6, 1877 by ltr

Mary Moriss d Stephen 7 phebe bp May 27, 1772

Nellie C d feb 23, 1887 age 16y 4m 22d

Nelson S adm ch July 1, 1849

Ollive m Benjamin Mallett b of North Stratford Jan 6, 1785

Pamela w of Sherman French adm ch 1839 on profession

Pamelia ch mem Jan 1, 1843

Pamelia w of Sherman ch mem Nov 20, 1849

Pamelia Mrs d Aug 11, 1880 age 85y 3m in Easton bd at long Hill trumbull

Penelipee m Bartholomy Sears b of North Stratford mar 28, 1754

Peter & Phebe twins of John & Feby b Dec 16, 1747 bp Dec 27

Phebe & Peter twins of John & Feby b Dec 16, 1747 bp Dec 27

Phebe m Abraham Blakmond July () 1754

Phebe renewed covenant Sept 3, 1766

Phebe conf Sept 3, 1766 in Northstratford

Phebe m Mathew MacFarray Sept 25, 1767

Polly & hus David ch mems Jan 1, 1843

Polly Mrs ch mem Nov 20, 1849

Polly B adm ch July 5, 1818

Polly B & hus David ch mems Nov 9, 1825

Polly b Mrs d Aug 22, 1882 age 86

Rebekah d John & Elisebeth b feb 25, 1755 bp mar2

Rebaca of Northstratsford m david Sherman of Stratfield jan 19, 1775

Rebecca, William Birdsi & John Somers children of Simeon and Esther bp

June 6, 1819

Rhoda, Sherman & Betsey children of samuel bp April 1794

Ruby Ann (Bevans) w of M() French adm ch 1849

Salla, Eliza, harriet & Maria children of David Jr & Polly B bp Aug 7, 1818

Sally adm ch may 5, 1833 on confession

Samuel s John & Elisebeth bp Jan 28, 1753

Samuel m mary Middlebrook b of North Stratford July 23, 1784

Samuel, george, Levi, & Mary Ann children of Sherman & Charity bp June 21,


Samuel of Trumbull m Mabel Patchen of Bridgeport Dec 16, 1827

Samuel d Sept 3, 1833 age 81

sara d John Jr decd & w hannah bp Apr 29, 1753

sarah d Phebe bp Sept 3, 1766

sarah d David & Eunice b June 1780 bp Oct 1

Sarah Mrs d May 9, 1848 age 74

Sarah F adm ch Mar 2, 1873

Sarah Frances bp & adm ch Mar 2, 1873 on profession

Sarah Frances d July 23, 1873 age 21y 8m bd July 25, 1873 at Nichols Farms

Shearman s John & elisebeth bp July 14, 1751

Shearman, Rhoda & Betsey children of Samuel bp Apr 1794

Sherman m Charity Beach Nov 30, 1809

Sherman m Chary Beach Nov 25, 1810

Sherman his child d Jan 20,1811

Sherman adm ch Sept 2, 1849 on profession

Sherman d Oct 24, 1875 age 90y 9m oldest man in Trumbull

Trumand may 9, 1821

Wilbert M bp & adm ch May 6, 1877 on profession

William Birdsi, John Somers, & Rebecca children of Simeon & w Esther bp

June 6, 1819

Will(ia)m Otis s Cyrus & Mary bp July 2, 1826

-----Miss d Nov 10, 1826 age 18

-----wid d June 27, 1831 age 60

-----wid d June 27, 1831 age 80

-----Mrs Capt d Mar 25, 1832 age 70

-----Mr his child d June 1832 age 3 at Tashua

[53] Connecticut Town Birth Records, pre-1870, Barbour Collection.

[54] Harry Walden, Georgetown, Texas, (good in 2009).



First Generation

Second Generation

Third Generation

Fourth Generation

Fifth Generation

Sixth Generation

Seventh Generation

Eighth Generation

Ninth Generation

Tenth Generation

Eleventh Generation


Chart #9 Records (Wills, Court Cases, etc.)