French Family Association

The Official Website of the Surname French

East Bloomfield, NY, where Enos and Mehitable French lived with their extended family.

Chart #9, Thomas French, ca. 1615
Charlestown, Suffolk Co., MA
Guilford, New Haven Co., CT

Stratfield and Fairfield, CT

This chart updated by Mara French on 11/18/09. Numbers in brackets [ ] refer to the bibliography at the end of this chart. An asterisk (*) shows continuation of that line. Send any corrections or additions to this chart to Revisions: 1990, 2009.


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 |  Gen 6  |  Gen 7  |  Gen 8  |  Gen 9  |  Gen 10  |
|  Gen 11  |  Gen 12  |  Records  |  Bibliography  |  DNA Test for Chart #9  |


Sixth Generation

Children of Ebenezer and Lucy French, 5.4

6.1* John Beals French, born in Alford, MA, m1. Betsey Crow, m2. Lydia Pool.

6.2* Irad French, b. 2 Feb 1792 in Alford, MA, m. Catherine Fox. Irad is listed in the 1830 census of Victor, Ontario Co., NY. He d. 10 Jan 1864.

6.3 Thomas French, moved to Redford, MI.

6.4 Lorenzo French, moved to Granville, MI.

6.5 Phebe French, m. Walter King and moved to Rochester, NY.

6.6 Clarissa French, m. Balcom, moved to Canadia, NY.                                    

6.7 Lucina French, m. Earls, moved to Huron Co., OH.

6.8 Mary Ann French, m1. Goodale, moved to Batavia, NY, m2. Selden.

6.9 Saina “Laura” French, m. Sherman.

6.10 Lucy “Sally” French, m. Story, moved to Lockport, NY.

6.11 Almira French, b. 19 Aug 1799 in East Bloomfield, Ontario Co., NY, m. Jonathan G. Longfellow.

Children of Thomas and Damaris (Munsey) French, 5.7

6.12* Bushrod Washington French, b. 27 Nov 1801 in Alford, MA, m. Sarah Lucretia Worcester on 16 Feb 1825. Bushrod d. 5 Aug 1867. Sarah was b. 12 Jun 1800 in New Canaan, Columbia Co., NY and d. 12 Dec 1886 in Brunersburg, Defiance Co., OH.  B.W. French shows up in the 1860 census of Portage, Livingston, NY, age 28, married to Sarah L. (60), with 3 children: Drias, Julius, and Esther L.

6.13 Hiram French, b. in Alford, MA.

Children of Enos and Mehitable (Payne) French, 5.8

6.14 Elizabeth French, b. 9 Jan 1795 in Bloomfield, Ontario Co., NY, m. Eben Curtis.

6.15 Edmond French, b. 22 Mar 1797 in Bloomfield, Ontario Co., NY.

6.16 Mable French, b. 7 Nov 1800 in Bloomfield, Ontario Co., NY, d. 12 Apr 1836 (age 36) [16].

6.17 Orinda “Ovenda” French, b. 6 Oct 1802 in Bloomfield, Ontario Co., NY.

6.18 Lugenda French, b. 22 Mar 1805 in Bloomfield, Ontario Co., NY, d. 6 Nov 1866 at age 61 in Solon, Cuyahoga Co., OH. No heirs.

6.19* Marcus L. French, b. 15 Jun 1807 or 1809 in Bloomfield, Ontario Co., NY, m. Louisa M. Storrs on 24 Aug 1835 [16], d. 12 Aug 1877 [16].

Marcus L. French (578) was born 15 June 1807 in NY, and died 12 Aug. 1877 in Kasota, St. Peter, Le Sueur Co., MN.  He married Louisa M. Storrs on 24 Aug. 1835.  She was born in July 1813 in NY, and died 9 Aug. 1900 (or 1909) in St. Peter, Le Sueur Co., MN.  They were both buried in St. Peter, MN.  Their first 3 children were born in NY, and the others in MI.

A profile from Portrait Gallery of the Twenty-Ninth Legislature of the State of Minnesota, Minneapolis and St. Paul, 1895, states:

M. L. French, deceased, was born in New York in 1807.  There he lived until 1839, then removed to Michigan and remained until 1855; came to Minnesota and located on a farm on the banks of Lake Emily.  With the exception of two years spent in the mining districts of Montana, he resided with his family on the farm in Kasota.  Married in 1835 Louisa M. Stores, a native of New York.  In 1877 Mr. French died; his widow and six children survive him.  Ernest died at twenty-three years of age; Fannie is the wife of S. W. Pettis; Edmond M. resides in Mexico; Maretta died at the age of eighteen; Willard lives in Murray County, Minnesota; Enos J. lives in California; J. W. in Nevada and Arthur B. in Kasota.  (R37) [16]

6.20 Fanny French, b. 10 Jun 1811 in Bloomfield, Ontario Co., NY, d. 26 Oct 1835 (age 24) [16].

6.21 Sara French, b. 3 Mar 1813 in Bloomfield, Ontario Co., NY.

6.22 Mary French, b. 26 Apr 1817 in Bloomfield, Ontario Co., NY.

6.23 Kitty French, b. 17 May 1821 in Bloomfield, Ontario Co., NY.

6.24 Orson French, b. 1 Apr 1826 in Bloomfield, Ontario Co., NY.

Children of Thomas and Eunice (Wheeler) French, 5.10

6.25 Wealthy French, bpt. 16 Nov 1794.

6.26 Ely or Eli French, bpt. 29 May 1796. (Note: This Eli did not m. Mahala Jennings, dau. of Stephen Jennings. Eli and Mahala were probably born in Delaware Co., NY. These are assumptions by Mary Grobis [11]. This is currently FFA Chart #156 which has been connected to FFA Chart #2, and since the DNA of FFA Chart #9 and of FFA Chart #2 are different, this Eli French did not marry Mahala Jennings – she was of FFA Chart #2).

Children of John and Rebeckah (Haywood) French, 5.15

6.27* Haywood or Howard French, b. 18 Aug 1783 in Dummerston, VT, d. 27 Jun 1852 in Grafton, NY, age 64 of smallpox. He m. Nancy Goold in Windham on 13 Oct 1808. They had 4 children [34].

6.28* Elias French, b. 25 Mar 1785 in Andover, VT, d. 8 Jun 1826 in Windham, age 42, buried in the North Windham Cemetery. Elias m. Julia Twitchell in Andover on 12 Jun 1803. Julia was dau. of Stephen Twitchell and Lucy Norcross [34]. They had 10 children.

6.29 Rachel French, b. 13 Jun 1789, d. 18 Aug 1846 in Andover, VT, aged 58 [34]. Another source says she was b. 13 Mar 1793 in Andover, VT. She m. Marquis Edson in Chester on 26 May 1808 [34].

6.30 Jemima French, b. 24 May 1794, d. 19 Jul 1842 in Andover, aged 44 [34]. Another source says she was b. 24 May 1792 in Andover, VT. She m. Benjamin Crossman on 1 Mar 1819 in Andover [34]. They had 6 children: Reuben, Rebecca, Zaramann, Nancy, Horace, and Lydia Crossman [34].

6.31* Reuben French, b. 17 Feb 1795 in Andover, VT, d. 28 Feb 1876 in Londonderry, age 82 of inflammation of bladder [34]. Another source says he was b. 17 Feb 1797 in Andover, VT. He m. Elizabeth Derby in Grafton on 15 Sep 1822. Elizabeth was the dau. of Joseph Derby. They had 3 children [34].

6.32 John French, Jr., b. 2 Aug 1797 in Andover, VT. Another source says he was b. 13 May 1787 in Andover, VT.

Children of Abel and Edith (Bradford) French, 5.19

6.33* Maynard French, b. 25 Mar 1803 in Brattleboro, VT, m. Julia Ann Eames. In the 1850 census, Maynard lived in Cincinnati Ward 11, Hamilton Co., OH, age 48, with his wife Julia A. (40), and their children: Henry (8), Charlotte (12), Julia (9), Maynard Jr. (5), Thomas F. (2), and William B. born in 1850. In the 1860 census, they were living in the same place with 5 of their children: Charlotte A. (22), Julia M. (19), Richard H. W. (17), Maynard (15), Tom F. (12), and Percy H. (8).

6.34* Abel French, b. 1804 in Brattleboro, VT, m1. Angelina Rust, m2. Unk.

6.35 Philura Fillmore French, b. 1808, m. John Shanklin who was b. 1796, and had dau. Malvina French Shanklin, b. 1839 in Evansville, IN.

Children of Samuel and Thankful (Meigs) French, 5.28

6.35* Luman French, b. 1794 in VT, m. Clarissa Porter, b. 1795. They are listed in the 1850 census of Franklin, Franklin Co., NY with their 2 children: Samuel (16) and Russell (12). In 1880 Luman is a widower, age 87, living in Franklin, Franklin Co., NY, with his children and grandchildren.

6.36 Sally French, m. Warren Ford.

6.37 Orpha French, m. Ira Leet.

6.38 Jerusha French, m1. Ephraim Stiles, m2. Josiah Townsend.

6.39* Russell French, b. 1805, d. 1882 in Jericho, VT, m1. Betsey Richardson, m2. Minerva Brinsmaid.

From the History of Jericho, VT [50]. Russell French and his ancestors resided in school district No. 2. Business has changed in that locality. A short distance south of where the French family lived there was a small collection of houses, two blacksmith shops and a factory, and it has been named and known as Muttonville. About the year 1820 there was a mill built on Mill Brook near that place, where people brought the cloth manufactured on their handlooms to be fulled and pressed. This mill was operated by a Mr. Reed. The mill was later made into a starch factory that purchased potatoes at 12 cents per bushel and manufactured them into starch. The building was afterwards owned by Dea. John T. Clapp and son, Rollin M. Later Henry Woodford put in a turning lathe for woodwork, and Rollin M. Clapp manufactured hand rakes, being succeeded by Augustus S. Wood, who manu-factured rakes, mop handles, clothes bars and many other kinds of useful wood articles. The factory and shops have been destroyed by fire or taken down, and no business is done there at the present time.

Russell was b. in 1805, and d. in 1882, at Jericho. He m. Betsey Richardson. She was b. in 1808, and d. in 1830. He m. 2 Minerva Brinsmaid. She was b. in 1807, and d. in 1887. They had two children, viz.: Warren F. French, b. in 1837, d. in 1909, who m. Kate McDonald; and Albertine B. French, b. in 1840, d. in 1901, who m. A. Sanford Lee, in 1872. He was b. in 1836, and d. in 1879, serving as a marine in the War of the Rebellion. He served as the constable of Jericho several years, and represented the town in the legislature for the years 1870 and 1871.

6.40 Emma French, m. Dana Bicknell.

Children of Adin and Chloe (Nettleton) French, 5.29

6.41 Delilah French, b. 18 Feb 1799 in Guilford, New Haven Co., CT.

6.42* Edward French, b. 28 Nov 1801 in Sullivan, NY, m1. Dora Ann Worden, m2. Elizabeth (Mrs. Tibbetts).

Children of David and Eunice (Hummel) French, 5.36

6.43 Sarah French, b. Jun 1780, bapt. 1 Oct at the Trumbull Congregational Church in Trumbull, CT [52].

6.44 Mary French, b. Jun 1782, bapt. 21 Jul at the Trumbull Congregational Church in Trumbull, CT [52].

6.45 Eunice French, b. 6 Sep 1785, bapt. 20 Jan 1786 [52], d. 4 Apr 1798 in the 14th year of her age, buried at the Long Hill Burying place in Trumbull, CT [51].

6.46* Josiah French, bapt. May 1788 at the Trumbull Congregational Church in Trumbull, CT [52]. He m. Ruth who d. 6 Mar 1862, age 73, and is buried at the Long Hill Burying place in Trumbull, CT [51]. Josiah is listed in the 1850 census of Trumbull, Fairfield Co., CT as age 62, born in CT, m. Ruth (62), living with children Levi French (26 – born ca. 1824) and Betsey B. French (31 – b. ca. 1819). Josiah was a farmer. Josiah d. 16 May 1863 at age 75 and is buried at the Long Hill Burying place in Trumbull, CT [51].

6.47 David French, b. 26 Apr 1794, d. 12 Feb 1850, and is buried at the Long Hill Burying place in Trumbull, CT [51]. He m. Polly Betsey, b. 29 Jul 1796, d. 22 Aug 1882 and is buried at the Long Hill Burying place in Trumbull, CT [51].

6.48 Lydia French, b. 1796, d. 15 Sep 1828 in her 32nd year and is buried at the Long Hill Burying place in Trumbull, CT [51].

Children of Samuel and Sarah (Hall) French, 5.38

6.49* Nathaniel Hall French, b. 14 Feb 1767 in Weston, Fairfield Co., CT, m. Beulah Champion [19]. She may have been married previously to Burton. Her birth certificate spells her name Bula, and her gravestone spells it Bulah where she d. 7 Aug 1850 at age 81. They moved to Ferrisburg, Addison Co., VT in 1789 where Nathaniel d. 30 May 1853 at age 86. See Nathaniel’s Revolutionary Pension Papers in the previous generation under his father Samuel for serving in the Revolutionary War [25]. Nathaniel was a prominent farmer and honored early settler of Addison Co., where in the midst of the forest he developed a farm, upon which he resided more than 60 years [35]. His wife, whose maiden name was Beulah Champion, passed away some time before at the age of 82 [35].

Charles S. Mason (Nathaniel’s grandson) lives on the farm owned by National within New Haven, VT. Nathaniel and Beulah are buried at the Carter Cemetery in Monkton, Addition Co., VT.

6.50 Wheeler French, b. 4 Dec 1770 in Weston, CT., d.10 Jul 1790, age 20. No heirs.

6.51* Samuel French, b. 17 Feb 1774 in Weston, CT, m. Frances Holberton, d. 1 Jun 1843.

Children of Samuel and Mary (Beardslee) French, 5.38

6.52 David French, b. 28 Apr 1775 in Weston or Stratford, CT, died young in 27 Aug 1775.

6.53* David French, b. 11 Apr 1779 in Weston, CT, m. Sally Tupper on 1 Mar 1804 in Ferrisburgh, VT, d. 10 Dec 1854 in Potsdam, NY [25]. David had an uncle Benjamin (probably husband of David’s aunt Mary) whom he lived with. Benjamin Booth was bapt. in 1736. David received 140 acres of land in 1796 in Ripton (or Vergennes), Addison Co., VT, from his uncle John French who had died in 1796 and m. Betty Edwards. David French had an uncle Benjamin French whom he lived with, which is the Benjamin who was bapt. in 1736. David spent time with his older half brother Nathaniel Hall French in Ferrisburg, VT, and his uncle John French [25]. In Ripton CT on 30 Jan 1835 land was surveyed for David French of Potsdam, St. Lawrence Co., NY, 160 acres to the right of John French. David French, who purchased land in Potsdam in 1803, came a few years later and settled about midway between Potsdam village and Canton, where he was a successful farmer, and kept a public house from 1819 for more than thirty years. David fought 7 years in the American Revolution which took a toll on his health. He died November 15, 1854.


David French signed an Article of Agreement for one hundred acres of land in 1803.  The land was part of the Clarkson Tract.  This area became known as South Potsdam and "French's".

David and Sally Tupper French built a log cabin in 1805 and moved into the family home (next door) in 1815.  It became a tavern, stagecoach stop, post office, polling place, and community center.  Dances were held there Saturday nights and "hell and damnation" sermons were held there on Sundays.  The French Family Farm is in the National Register of Historic Places.

The "1844 House" was built originally as a farm hand's house, circa 1844, by Ira T. French, David's son.  Later the house was sold to William Perry French, a son of Ira's.  He expanded the building and had a general store and community hall.  When the stagecoach ceased, the polling place and post office were moved to Will's General Store.

William French sold the property in 1885.  It went through many subsequent owners.  Sally T.S. Dingsoyr (sixth generation) and Gigi J. Scheiber bought the house in 1985 and converted it into a restaurant.  It opened as "French's 1844 House" on February 28, 1986 and featured French influenced Continental Cuisine and closed in 2001.

After 5 years of “hibernation” the restaurant was “re-awakened” by husband and wife team Brian A. & Jenny Drake Walker In February 2006.  Both are professionally trained Chefs and career hospitality professionals.  Brian was trained at The Culinary Institute of America and The Art Institute of Ft. Lauderdale, and Jenny was trained at The New England Culinary Institute. See Brian & Jenny Walker, Proprietors ~ 6885 SR 11 Potsdam, NY 13676 ~ Phone (315) 268-1844 | Fax (315) 265-4751. Website:, Email:

Many more stories on David can be found in Sally Dingsoyr’s booklet. See the Bibliography.

6.54 Sarah French, b. 20 Jan 1781 in Weston, CT, m. Isaac Lewis Sturges, d. 1827.

6.55 John French, b. 22 Nov 1782 in Weston, CT, d. young on 8 Dec 1782.

6.56 Huldah French, b. 2 Dec 1783 in Weston, CT, m. Booth.

6.57* Sherman French, b. 1785, m1. Charity Beach either on 30 Nov 1809 or 25 Nov 1810 – both dates are entered in the Trumbull Congregational Church records [52], m2. Pamelia. Sherman is listed in the 1850 census of Trumbull, Fairfield Co., CT, age 65, b. ca. 1785 in CT, living with Permilla (54 – b. ca. 1796), Nelson (33 – b. ca. 1817), and Charity French (16 – b. ca. 1834). Sherman d. 24 Oct 1875, age 90, and is buried at the Long Hill Burying place in Trumbull, CT [51]. At that time, Sherman was the oldest man in Trumbull according to the Trumbull Congregational Church records [52]. Charity d. 22 Oct 1823, age 36, and is buried at the Long Hill Burying place in Trumbull, CT [51]. Pamelia was an administrator of the Trumbull Congregational Church in 1839, and on 1 Jan 1843, and on 20 Nov 1849. She d. 11 Aug 1880 at age 85y and 3m in Easton, and is buried at the Long Hill Burying-ground in Trumbull [52].

6.58 Squire B. French, b. 20 Dec 1785 in Weston, CT, m. Olive Wyard on 2 Jul 1812, d. 17 Oct 1865. Squire is listed in the 1850 census of Hart, Warrick Co., IN as 64 years old, born in CT, living with the Cale family.

6.59 Eunice French, b. 22 Mar 1788 in Weston, CT, m. West.

6.60 Mary French, b. 17 Jun 1792 (twin) in Weston, CT, m. Daniel Anderson.

6.61 Ann French, b. 17 Jun 1792 (twin) in Weston, CT, m. Starr.

6.62 Orre E. French, b. in Trumbull, CT, m. Norman C. Sherwood.

Children of John Jr. and Mary (Summers) French, 5.39

6.63* Simeon French, b. ca. 1785, m. Esther Hurd (?) [41]. Esther French is buried in the Long Hill Burying Place in Trumbull, CT, as the wife of Simeon French. She died 10 Oct 1821, aged 35. Many other Frenches are buried there. Esther may have been born 13 Feb 1788. Esther’s parents may have been Esther and Allen Corey who married in Trumbull, CT on June 28 1787 just before she was born according to Trumbull County Congregational Church records. It appears that Esther was baptized either on Jun 18 or Jul 5, 1818 the year before three of her children were baptized according to Trumbull County Congregational Church records. Simeon has a 1812 War Record [41].

Children of Ephraim and Abigail (Winter) French, 5.43

6.64* Asa French, b. 1796. Asa is listed in the 1850 census of Trumbull, Fairfield Co., CT, as 54 years old living with his 91 year old father, Ephraim, and Asa’s wife Catherine (53), and children Asa W., Benjamin H., Sarah M., and Mary M. French. In 1860 he is listed in the same city living with his wife and 4 of his children: Asa, Benjamin, and Mary. In 1870 he is in the same city living with his wife Catherine and their son Asa William, age 38. Also in this household is Abba Bennett, 67.

Children of David and Sarah (Odell) French, 5.52

6.65 Jerusha French, b. 1808.

6.66* David French, b. 29 Jan 1810 in Trumbull, CT, m1. Abigail Mary Hawley on 8 Nov 1832. She was b. 1813 in Huntington, CT, d. 13 Jan 1844. David m2. Hannah M. Stone, m3. Mary, m4. Mary P. David d. 22 May 1883 in Monroe, CT.

6.67 Abel French.

6.68 Betsey French, b. 1812, m. Nickerson.

6.69 Charlotte French, m. Wayland.

6.70 Elijah French.

6.71 Susan French, b. 12 Feb 1817, m. David Castle.

6.72 Sally French, m. George Fox.

6.73 Abiah French, m. Hayes.

6.74 Ruth Ann French, m. Gray.

6.75 Irene French, m. Turney.

Children of John and Sally French, 5.55

6.76 Abel French of Newton, Fairfield Co., CT, d. 1835 in Newton, CT, m. Louisa (possibly Botsford), no children.

6.77* David French of Newton, Fairfield Co., CT, d. 1845 in Newton, CT.

6.78* Turney French, b. 1798 in CT, m. Betsey who was b. 1800. In the 1870 census, they were living in Newton, Fairfield Co., CT. In the 1860 census, they were living in Newtown with their daughter Harriet, age 24. In 1880 they were living in Newtown.

6.79 Nabby French of Newton, Fairfield Co., CT, m. Simon Underhill.

Children of Ebenezer W. and Sarah (Bassett) French, 5.65

6.80* Prosper French, b. 14 Oct 1798 in NY, m. Mary who was b. 1808. They are listed in the 1850 census of Buffalo Ward 2, Erie Co., NY living with their children: Edward (19), Mary H. (15), George (12), and Phillip H. (9). Prosper d. 24 Nov 1856, age 59.

6.81 George French, b. 18 Jan 1800, m. Harriet, moved to St. Augustine, FL, d. 1857.

6.82 Roxann French, b. 12 Nov 1802 in Plymouth, CT.

6.83 Sally French, b. 18 Oct 1804 in Plymouth, CT.

Children of Ebenezer W. and Lucy (Darrow) French, 5.65

6.84 Lucy Ann French, b. 17 May 1807 in Plymouth, CT, m1. Ezra H. Curtis, m2. Ira Loomis.

6.85 Mary French, b. 20 Nov 1808, m. David Culver.

6.86* Luther Leavitt French, b. 23 Oct 1810 in Plymouth, CT, m. Isabel Culver. He is listed as living next door to his father, Ebenezer, in the 1850 census, age 39, living with his wife Isabela, age 33, and their children Samuel (8), Mary (4), and Edward (2).

6.87 Aman Johnson “Amond” French, b. 13 Oct 1812 in Plymouth, CT.

6.88 Elizabeth Gennet French, b. 26 Jan 1815 in Plymouth, CT.

6.89 David W. French, b. 30 Nov 1816.

6.90 Julia Ann French, b. 15 Jul 1821.

Children of Cyrus and Sibyl (Turney) French, 5.66

6.91 Othniel French.

6.92 Nancy French, b. 1803, m. Homer Lake.

6.93 Ephraim French.

6.94 Cyrus W. French.

6.95 Chester French.

6.96 Susan French.

6.97 Sarah French.

6.98 George E. French.

6.99 Abel French.

6.100 Sarah French.

6.101 Hepsibah French.

Children of Elisha and Louisa (Chambers) French, 5.67

6.102 Sarah French.

6.103 Cyrus French.

6.104 Timothy French.

6.105 Julia French.

6.106 Margaret French.

6.107 Milinda French.

Children of John and Polly (Wheeler) French, 5.69

6.108* George B. French, m1. unk, m2. Jane Howick.

Children of Ichabod and Abigail (Olmsted) French, 5.70

6.109* Hiram French, b. 7 Oct 1805 in Brutus, Cayuga Co., NY, d. 30 Jan 1878 in Cato, Cayuga Co., NY, m. Susan Stevens who was b. 4 Mar 1806 in NY, d. 27 Jan 1887 in Cato, Cayuga Co., NY [20]. He is mentioned in his father’s will in the previous generation.

6.110 Harriet French, b. ca. 1806 in NY, m. Amos Bennett who was b. ca. 1804, and had 3 children: Willard O. Bennett, Yelinda Bennett, and Manson W. Bennett. Harriet is mentioned in her father’s will as living in Clay, Onondaga Co., NY.

6.111 Fanny French, b. ca. 1810 in NY, m. James S. Bennett, and had son Charles D. Bennett b. ca. 1845 in NY. Fanny is mentioned in her father’s will as living in Fon Du Lac Co., WS.

6.112* Charles E. French, b. 10 Feb 1810 or 17 May 1810 [23] in Brutus, Cayuga Co., NY [23], d. 26 Apr 1882 in Jackson, MI, m1. Lydia who was b. May 1811 and had 4 children, m2. Louisa Sears on 10 Jul 1847 in Jackson, MI, and had 5 children. She was b. 7 Jul 819 in Fabius, Onondaga Co., NY [23]. Charles is mentioned in his father’s will.

6.113 Mary Polly French, b. 10 Dec 1813 in NY, m. Philo Treat of Mentz, Cayuga Co., NY. She is mentioned in her father’s will.

6.114 James French, b. 9 Sep 1817 in NY, and was the executor for his father’s will.

6.115 Minerva French, b. ca. 1818 in NY, m. Cable, and is mention in her father’s will.

Children of Joseph B. and Drusilla (Beardsley) French, 5.73

6.116 Drusilla Wheeler French, b. 1 Oct 1809 in Stratford, CT, d. 29 Aug 1810 in infancy.

Children of Joseph B. and Polly French, 5.73

6.117 Joseph S. French, b. 1833, living in Bridgeport, Fairfield Co, CT in 1850.



First Generation

Second Generation

Third Generation

Fourth Generation

Fifth Generation

Sixth Generation

Seventh Generation

Eighth Generation

Ninth Generation

Tenth Generation

Eleventh Generation

Twelfth Generation


Chart #9 Records (Wills, Court Cases, etc.)