The Official Website of the Surname French
This drawing depicts Seymour in 1870 when the
French family lived there,
with the falls area of the Naugatuck River still the center of town
and its businesses and industry. The population had risen to 2,121.
Chart #8, Francis French, 1625
Derby, CT
Fifth Generation
This chart updated by Mara French on 5/2/12. Numbers in brackets [ ] show sources and refer to the bibliography at the end of this chart. An asterisk (*) shows continuation of that line. Send any corrections or additions to this chart to Revisions: 2012.
| Intro |
Gen 1 |
Gen 2 |
Gen 3 |
Gen 4 |
Gen 5 |
| Gen 6 |
Gen 7 |
Gen 8 |
Gen 9 |
Gen 10 |
| Gen 11 |
Gen 12 |
Records |
Bibliography |
Children of Noah and Hannah (Riggs) French, 4.1
5.1* Francis French, b. 21 May 1757 in Derby, New Haven Co., CT, bp. 3 Jul 1757. Francis was a freeman of Derby on 13 Apr 1778 [7, p. 188]. Francis became guardian of some of his siblings when his father, Noah, died in 1781 [22].
Francis m1. Olive W. Camp 19 Dec 1779 of Milford, CT. She was b. ca. 1847 per the 1880 census of Killingly, Windham Co., CT, and probably died before 1788.
Francis m2. Silvia Pritchard 1 Jul 1788 [7], who was b. 16 Feb 1768, dau. of David Pritchard. She d. 7 Dec 1844 age 76 in Derby, CT [16]. Sylvia died 7 Dec 1844 at age 76, widow of Francis French, photo taken by [61]. See
I am come to view the silent shade
where they loved form my mother is laid
but cannot see they lovely face
or once more take a last embrace
now more behold thy parental charms
or once more clasp me in thy arms
Francis d. 12 May 1824 age 67 and is buried at the Derby old cemetery. In memory of FRANCIS FRENCH ESQR who died May 12 1824 ae 67 [7].
From Olde Uptown Burial Ground in Derby, Connecticut, includes video. See also
á FRENCH: Francis FRENCH - In memory of Francis FRENCH, Esq'r who died May 12, 1824 ae 67
5.2 Betty French, b. 11 Feb 1759, bp. 25 Mar 1759, d. 5 May 1775 age 16 [6] or 5 May 1765 age 6 [7].
5.3 Samuel French, b. 26 Oct 1760 [6] [7].
5.4 John French, b. 17 Sep 1762, bp. 17 Oct 1762 [6] [7].
5.5 Hannah French, b. 18 Jan 1765, m2. Samuel Hawkins [6] [7].
5.6 Noah French, b. 14 Jan 1767, bp. 1 Mar 1767 [6]. Noah chose Eleazer Hawkins, 2nd husband of Hannah French, to be his legal guardian in 1782 [7] [28].
5.7 Lucy French, b. 4 Jul 1769, bp. 16 Jul 1769 [6]. Lucy chose her grandfather, Capt. Joseph Riggs, as guardian in 1783 after LucyŐs father died [7] [28].
5.8 Sarah French, b. 24 Oct 1771, bp. 27 Oct 1771, m1. Gideon Blakeman, m2. 21 Nov 1819 Lewis Prindle [6] [7].
5.9 Joseph French, b. 21 Sep 1774, bp. 30 Oct 1774 [6] [7].
5.10 Lewis French, b. 12 Feb 1777, bp. 26 Mar 1777 [6] [7].
5.11 Betty French, b. 19 Feb 1778, d. 5 Jan 1819, m. 15 Jul 1797 to Lewis Prindle [6] who later married BettyŐs sister, Sarah, upon BettyŐs death in 1819 [6] [7].
Children of David French Sr. and Hannah Lois Lines, 4.10
5.12 Sarah French, b. 5 Aug 1766 [6] [7] [22], m1. Nathan Nettleton, m2. Archibald Perkins on 19 April 1797. Sarah (Sally) d. 27 Sep 1846 at age 80 in Humphreysville, CT. (See Related Families, Chapter 4).
5.13 Dorcas French, b. 3 Nov 1767 [6] [7] [22], d. 29 May 1814 [35]. Dorcas m. Halle/Hawley. Children: Leverett, Polly, Matilda, Charity, Day, James, John, David [35]. Dorcas d. in Bethany, 29 Aug 1814, age 46, as DavidŐs daughter. (Note that two death dates are different).
5.14 Hannah French, b. 16 Jan 1770, d. 23 Apr 1839, m. Timothy Lounsbury [6] [7] [22]. Children: Dorcus, Timothy, Lewis, Hannah, Jane, Daniel, Allen, Smith, Eunice, John, Mary, George [35]. Hannah d. in Humphreysville, CT, on 23 Apr 1839, age 69 [35].
5.15* David French Jr., b. 2 Jul 1771 [4] [20] in Woodbridge, CT, d. 19 Oct 1833 age 63, m. 8 Mar 1797 to Anna Johnson [6] of Derby, CT. Anna was dau. of Isaac and Lois Johnson of Derby CT, b. 22 Mar 1779 in Derby, bp. as Mary at the First Congregational Church of Derby 16 May 1779 by Rev. Dan. Humphreys, d. 8 Feb 1864 age 85, buried at the Beacon Falls Graveyard [7] [22]. He was a merchant and tanner [7] [19].
5.16* Adonijah French, b. 7 Feb 1773 at Woodbridge, later called Bethany [22], d. 22 Oct 1850 age 78, m. 24 Feb 1803 to Polly Cook [6]. She d. 23 Mar 1863. He d. 22 Oct 1850 [22]. Had several children, p. 1389 [4], [7], [20]. He was a justice of the peace and representative of Woodbridge [7].
5.17* Luther French, b. 7 Feb 1775, d. 13 Jan 1826, m. Sarah Miles, dau. of Jonathan and Lucy (Smith) Miles, b. 6 Nov 1771 [6] [22], d. 9 Jan 1826 age 50 [20]. Lived on Beacon Hill in the first log house in Nyumphis, built by his father, David [7].
5.18 Lois French, b. 11 Mar 1777, m. Thomas Gilyard [6] [7] [22]. Children: Nancy N., Thomas, William F., Joseph [35].
5.19 Hepsibad(h) French, b. 16 Jun 1779, d. 13 Apr 1824, age 43, in Humphreysville, CT [35], m. 1795 to Jessee Johnson [6] [7] [22]. (See Related Families, Chapter 4).
5.20 Lydia French, b. 19 Mar 1782, m. _____Hawley [6] [7] [22]. Children: Sylvester, Mary, and 4 or 5 more [35].
5.21* Asaph French, b. 25 Mar 1785, m. Nancy Beecher [6] [7] [22].
5.22 Eunice French, b. 25 Dec 1787 [6] [22].
5.23* Henry/Harry French, b. 25 Oct 1791, d. 17 May 1860 age 68, m. 12 Oct 1811 to Harriet Peck [6] [7] [22].
Children of Enoch and Comfort French, 4.16
5.24* William W. or J. French, b. 29 Sep or Dec 1783 at Seymour, CT, d. 16 Oct 1823 [22] in Ohio, m. Betsey Peet 11 Mar 1811. Betsey was b. 9 Aug 1794 [7] [20].
5.25 Nancy French, b. 22 Dec 1785 at Seymour, CT, m. 29 Jan 1811 William Bassett [7] [22] [20].
5.26 Bird French, b. 1 Oct 1797 at Seymour, CT, lived at Salisbury or Saulsbury, cT, m. Eliza Thorp, 2 Aug 1822 [7] [22] [20].
5.27 Pamelia French, b. 16 Sep 1799 at Seymour, CT, m. 8 Sep 1822 Isaac Bassett [7] [22] [20].
5.28 Enoch French, b. 8 Jan 1803 at Seymour, CT, d. 12 May 1824, age 21 [7] [22] [20].
5.29* Israel French, b. 20 Jan 1805 at Seymour, CT, d. 4 May 1872, m. 8 Feb 1829 Caroline Tolles/Tolls who was b. 17 Jan 1805 at Seymour and d. there 28 Aug 1888. Caroline was dau. of Nehemiah and Mary Tolles [20]. He was educated in the public school of his native town, learned the trade of tool maker, followed his trade, and was a builder and contractor at Seymour. He served as justice of the peace for years [7] [22]. Resided on North Street in Seymour [20]. Caroline d. 28 Aug 1888, aged 83 yrs 7 mo [20].
Children of Charles French and Anna Woodcock, 4.17
5.30 Sally French, b. 14 Nov 1784 in Seymour, m. Erastus Sperry [6] [7] [20].
5.31 Polly French, b. 26 Oct 1786 in Seymour, d. 11 Nov 1794 [6] [7] [20]. She was buried at the Seymour Union Cemetery in Seymour, New Haven Co., CT, at 115 Derby Ave.
5.32 Wales French, b. 12 Oct 1788 in Seymour, m. Betsey Hitchcock [6] [7] [20].
5.33 Grant French, b. 13 Oct 1790 in Seymour, d. 29 Sep 1794 age 4 [6] [7] [20]. He and his brother were buried at the Seymour Union Cemetery in Seymour, New Haven Co., CT, at 115 Derby Ave.
5.34 Raymond French, b. 29 Jul 1792 in Seymour, d. 27 Sep 1794 age 2 [6] [7] [20]. Raymond and Grant probaby died of an illness since they died during the same time period. He and his brother were buried at the Seymour Union Cemetery in Seymour, New Haven Co., CT, at 115 Derby Ave.
5.35* Alfred French, b. 22 Aug 1794 in Seymour, d. 23 Jun 1859, m1. Lydia Hotchkiss, m2. Sarah Almira Sperry 14 Jul 1843 [6] [7] [20]. Alfred belonged to the Morning Star Lodge, No. 47, of Free and Accepted Masons. The lodge met in Masonic Hall, Oxford, until 1844 and was reorganized in 1851 with Alfred French as junior warden, and moved to Seymour, CT [7, p. 484]. Lydia was b. 18 Nov 1794 [20]. Alfred resided across the way from the old White place on Pearl Street [20]. Lydia d. 31 Jan 1840 and is buried at the Seymour Union Cemetery. Sarah A. d. 16 Dec 1888 in Oxford, CT, and is buried at the Seymour Union Cemetery [20]. He is buried at the Seymour Union Cemetery in Seymour, New Haven Co., CT, at 115 Derby Ave.
5.36 Grant French, b. 28 Jul 1796 in Seymour, resided in Pittsburgh, PA [6] [7] [20].
5.37 Polly French, b. 28 Aug 1798 in Seymour, m. Joseph Russell [6] [7] [20].
5.38 Susan French, b. 28 Jul 1800 in Seymour [6] [7] [20], died in Pittsbury, PA [20].
5.39 Harriet French, b. 20 Mar 1803 in Seymour, d. 5 May 1804 [6] [7] [20].
5.40* Raymond French, b. 7 Jan 1805 in Seymour, d. 19 Feb 1886, m1. 11 Dec 1833 Olive Curtis, m2. Mar 1857 Maria A. Noble [6] [20].
The Humpreysville Copper Company was organized in 1847 with a capital stock of $40,000. Raymond was a director of the company. The business grew immensely by 1852 to a capital of $200,000 at which time he established a mill and wharf in East Haven. In 1852 Raymond along with 9 other men were incorporated under the title of Seymour Savings Bank. Raymond was also a director in one of 5 large shops for building railroad cars. In 1854 RaymondŐs stock increased to $390,000. He also manufactured plain and steel-plated ox-shoes. Raymond also built the Seymour Dam which was necessary to the growth of the town of Ansonia [7, p. 480-483, 547 - can add more].
Olive was the dau. of Sherman and Sharah (Burnham) Curtis [20]. Maria A. Noble was dau. of Ezra and Amelia Noble, a widow of John N. Thompson of New Milford, CT [20]. Olive d. 11 Oct 1855. Maria d. 15 Oct 1863 [20].
RaymondŐs sugar factory was burned on the night of 15 Jul 1841, but with characteristic energy he soon rebuilt [34].
Elector of Seymour, 5 Nov 1878 along with Raymond, Carlos, Adonijah, Charles H., Hiram, John W., and Warren French.
Raymond built the Seymour dam ca. 1844.
5.41 Charles French, b. 1 Oct 1807 in Seymour, m. Julia Sperry. Charles belonged to Humphrey Lodge, No. 26, Knights of Pythias, instituted in 1871, and was a charter member [7, p. 484] [20]. They were both buried at the Carrington Cemetery in Bethany, New Haven Co., CT.
(holding for better placement and more research)
Walter French
Birthdate: ca. 1770
Place: near Seymour
Mother: unk
Father: unk
Walter French made and sold the first double-twist screw augers in New York about 1810. They were made in Seymour, CT. His shop was built on land later owned by the James Swan Company [38, p. 651].
Chart #8 Records (Wills, Court Cases, etc.)