French Family Association

The Official Website of the Surname French

Marshfield, Massachusetts, Welcomes President Chester A. Arthur, 1882

Chart #6, Richard French, 1626
Cambridge and Marshfield, MA

Also Billerica, Bedford, Topsfield, Woburn, and Boston, MA
and Hollis, Cornish, NH

This chart updated by Mara French on 5/21/10. Numbers in brackets [ ] refer to the bibliography at the end of this chart. An asterisk (*) shows continuation of that line. Send any corrections or additions to this chart to Revisions: 1991, 1997, 2008, 2010.



FFA Home Page

Early Ancestry of Richard French in England


Richard’s Children

Notes to be Edited



Queries – Members



This chart will be added to later on. This is “my” line, the line of Mara French, which I have never had time to complete, but I did a lot of research on Richard’s ancestors in England. I have many photos of Richard’s house in Marshfield which I will add later on.

Martha's parentage at the present time is unproved, however, it is probable it was Beare, as Richard French was appointed administrator of Richard Beare's estate in Plymouth Colony in which Mr. Beare left a cow each to John & Elizabeth French, children of Richard and Martha French. This Richard Beare's wife was Grace, and they lived at Marshfield. 

Land Deeds

Richard French's name is found on the tax lists of Cambridge as early as 11 Oct., 1647.  The family lived on the Estate of Nickolas Danforth which was located on the North side of Bow Street. Richard purchased this property 26 Jan., 1651/2. In the Cambridge records of 8 March, 1647, Richard French was fined for having loose hogs. Richard was one of the participants in the first division of land in Concord of "Shawshyne," which later became Billerica, when he was granted twenty acres in 1652. This land he later deeded to the town of Billerica in the "Great Deed."  Richard served as a trooper under Major Simon Willard of Dedham, 11 Nov., 1654. He sold his property in Cambridge to Edmund Angier 8 Oct., 1654, and left town, removing to Marshfield where he took the Oath of Fidelity in 1657.  Here he purchased of John Branch of Marshfield in 1677-- a thirty acre parcel of land where he and his son John built a large dwelling house in 1679/80.  They sold the land to Abraham Holmes of Duxbury in 1683, with the conveyance including "our mansion house."  Richard executed a deed dated 23 Feb., 1688 in which he sold one-half of his land in "Sippecan"(now Rochester) in Barnstable County.   It is not unreasonable to assume that Richard was a fisherman at Marshfield. 

Richard French appears to have been quite the rogue.  The court records of Middlesex County show charges against Richard with "uncivil carriage and abuse offred to the body of Jane Evans, a servant of Richard Hildreth," and the court found him guilty of the charge.  He left town and went to Marshfield. The Plymouth County court records of 7 June, 1659, evidence that Richard French "... is accused by Heptsibah Andrews to have comitted bodily uncleanes with her, and hath stood engaged to the Court to answer for the same and appeered att this Court; and likewise the said Hepthsibah Andrews was likewise summoned to appeer... to take bonds of him to pay a considerable sume towards the kept of the child... etc."  However, it seems Ms. Andrews did not appear at the second hearing in October of that year, and Richard was released from bond. 

Richard French of Cambridge may or may not have been connected with William (1) who came from  London to Boston in the ship Defense in July of 1635 and settled at  Cambridge, Massachusetts--It is a matter of speculation and seems unlikely.  There were numerous early New England planters with the surname of "French." Mr. Thomas French, b. 1637, was aged 22 years and living in Ipswich, Mass. in 1659, perhaps he was a relative of Richard.  There was also a Mr. Thomas French, joiner, who was an early inhabitant of Cambridge in 1639 and Ballard French, joiner, on the Cambridge Selectmen's books of 1658, perhaps relatives of Richard.  

Richard French died at Marshfield 14 December of 1688 (age 62).  The widow Martha and John Rogers were appointed Executors of the estate.  The inventory was presented to court on 21 Dec., 1688. 

Richard’s Children

1.  Joseph, b. Cambridge, ca. 1649

2.  John, b. Cambridge, ca. 1651.  He was alive  in 1696, and "of Marshfield" when he sold his part of the "Sippecan" Barnstable land to Job Randall of Scituate.    He was a soldier of the Massachusetts Bay Colony militia whose troops were sent by the Governor to aid the British in the attack on Nova Scotia in 1710 against the French, during Queen Anne's War.  An inventory of John's estate was presented for probate at Marshfield 2 Jan., 1713, showing  Lt. John Pratt as administrator and executor of his estate.   John apparently died a soldier of disease at Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia in 1710/11.  

3.  Samuel, b. Cambridge, 13 July, 1653.  He was the Samuel who m. at Dunstable, 28 Dec., 1682, Sarah Cummings (b. 28 Jan., 1661, dau. of  John Cummings)  They lived at Dunstable (which is now Nashua, NH), where Samuel was an innkeeper and a member of the local militia.  He d. at Dunstable, ca. 1727. [*note, their daughter, Sarah French, b. Dunstable 7 Feb., 1682/3, married Ebenezer Parkhurst as his second wife.  See Parkhurst]

4.  Elizabeth, b. Marshfield, 2 Feb., 1660

Notes to be Edited

Richard French may have been born ca. 1623, but he was baptised on 6 May 1629 in Coggeshall. I've never seen his name on the Blessing, and I looked again and couldn't find it. Richard's mother died when he was young. According to the Records of the Mass Bay Colony, Richard was 27 years of age in 1652.

In the 3rd paragraph, you say that the family lived on the Estate of Nickolas Danforth -- it might be better to say that "Richard" himself did because in 1647 he didn't yet have a family. I would take out "It is a matter of speculation and seems unlikely" that Richard was connected with William. I think it is highly possible. They lived 4 miles from each other in Essex, England. Richard and William in 1652 were witnesses in case of John Betts. I would remove the information about Mr. Thomas and Bullard French, joiners It only complicates things. I would remove that Richard was 62 when he died -- this has not been proven because you say he was born ca. 1623. Richard's house is still standing in Marshfield, over 300 years old. Carolyn French McGee lives there, one of his descendants.  John Branch owned the land in 1659, and Richard French owned it prior to 1677, but built his house ca. 1680. Prior to 1683 it was owned by Richard French and his son John, then sold in 1683 to Abraham Holmes.  The house is at 429 Moraine St and part of a thirty acre parcel of land granted to John Branch by a vote of the Marshfield town meeting on 5 Dec 1659.

Samuel French -- Samuel's land in Dunstable is still in Dunstable, not Nashua. The border went back and forth. Dunstable is not now Nashua, they are two separate villages in 2 different states.

Joseph -- how can you say that Joseph was probably born in England when you say his father emigrated as a boy? I suspect he was born in Cambridge, but I found no record. Is there a record that says he was living in Marshfield? I never found one. Likewise, I wouldn't give Joseph's age, or else I'd say he was "about" 83 when he died. Samuel Wooley (son of Joseph's daughter, Rebecca) of Bedford, MA, cared for widow Elizabeth French for 10 years after Joseph's death until her death on 6 Nov 1742. Joseph and Elizabeth lived in the east part of Concord, an area which broke away politically in 1729 and was incorporated as part of Bedford. Joseph was a housewright and owned a large farm. His house is said to have been a garrison house used when hostile Indians approached with the upper story overhanging the first floor. The door was supposed to have been nail studded. It was damaged in a hurricane in 1815, and was taken down or fell down then.

Joseph's five daughters all lived on his farmland or very nearby. Joseph lived on the north side of the road (near what is today 320 Concord Road in Bedford where Ina Mansur lives.


Chronology of Richard French and families Danforth, Beare, and Hildreth

6 May 1629   Richard French born in Coggeshall, England, according to the Coggeshall Parish Registers Transcripts at the Essex Record Office in Chelmsford, England. Charles E. Banks in his book of English Emigrants lists Richard from Coggeshall, Essex County, England to Cambridge, MA, according to the Middlesex Court Records.

5 Aug 1638    Richard Beare acknowledged in court in Plymouth County, Marshfield. Pioneers of Massachusetts, by Pope.

1640   Danforth family settled in the Chelmsford area before Chelmsford became incorporated.

1645   Richard French immigrated to America at about  age 20. Early on he met Martha (Danforth?, since her father, Nicholas Danforth was living nearby. Records show that Martha, dau. of Nicholas Danforth, was probably his first child and born ca. 1620. This would be too early for Richard because apparently Richard was b. in 1625. Nicholas Danforth does not mention Martha in his will. No proof of Martha’s surname. Pioneers of Massachusetts, by Pope, p. 130, indicates that Martha Danforth was Richard’s wife).

11 Aug 1647 Cambridge land records, 20 acres granted to Richard French.

1649   Richard married Martha. No proof that her name was Danforth, however he did marry a lady named Martha. The Vital Records of Cambridge list their sons, Joseph and Samuel, born to Richard and Martha French.

1649/50        Son Joseph was born to Richard and Martha French. Date on gravestone in Bedford, MA,  says he died on 26 Nov 1732 in 83rd year.

26 Jun 1651  Richard bought land in Cambridge from Thomas Danforth, perhaps his father-in-law or a relative of his wife’s. Priscilla Cummings says Middlesex Mass deed indicates he paid quite a bit for the land, but then sold it to Edmund Angier for half only 3 years later. Richard lived for a time on Bow Street in Cambridge, perhaps 1651-1654, where this property could have been.

10 Dec 1652  Richard, aged 27, according to John W. Linzee in this book on Ancestors of Peter Parker and Sarah Ruggles. He may have been born in 1625 and baptised in 1629. Richard and his brother William testified for Thomas Abbot, servant to John Betts. Signed by Mrs. Sarah Simes, sister of William’s wife Elizabeth. Sarah died unmarried the following year. Witness in the case of John Betts is record of the Massachusetts Bay Colony 1630-1692.

10 May 1653 Richard Hildreth and 28 others (no French) had petitioned the General Court for the grant of a large tract of land on the river Merrimack at a neck of lande next to Concord river, near to Pawtucket. The petition was granted and the resulting town called Chelmsford. Richard became a selectman of Chelmsford in 1656. Since the book "The Ancestry of Sarah Hildreth of Dracut and Lewiston", p. 5, describes Richard Hildreth’s land in every detail, it seems that no French was living with him or it would have said so.

13 Jul 1653   Son Samuel was born in Cambridge per Vital Birth records listing son of Richard and Martha French.

3 Oct 1654     Richard French accused of sexual crime to the body of Jane Evans, servant of Richard Hildreth, Richard’s neighbor.

8 Oct 1654     Richard sold land that he bought from Thomas Danforth to Edmund Angier for a very low price. Maybe he sold this land to pay the heavy fine for abusing Jane Evans, and to get away from his neighbor Richard Hildreth, and especially because he disgraced the Danforth family. County Court Records, Cambridge, Vol I, pgs 62-64.

1654   Most likely Richard left Cambridge. Richard may have lived for a while with his relative William in Billerica. Richard was probably forced to leave Martha and their two children. Perhaps Martha and the two children, Joseph and Samuel, lived with Martha’s parents in Cambridge who later moved to Chelmsford. Joseph removed to Concord and Bedford while Samuel remained in Chelmsford, then removed to Dunstable. Need to look for more records on Martha French.

            From this point on, Richard disappears. A Richard appears in 1657 in Marshfield, SE of Cambridge. There is no proof that the Richard of Cambridge is the same Richard as the one in Marshfield, however, he disappears from the Cambridge records just about the time he appears in the Marshfield records. His families in both places seem to never communicate with one another. No determination has been made if they are even connected.

1654/55        Richard of Cambridge disappears. Christopher and Margaret Cane buy land in Billerica from John Vial on the behalf of Richard French. Perhaps the Canes bought the land for Richard’s family. In 1655 Richard was sued for debts to Thomas Danforth and William Tanner. These records say that Richard was deceased. He was really listed as Richard, late, of Concord, which could mean that Concord was the last place known of where he lived. They are from the Middlesex Superior Court Records Index, Actions 1650-1800. We need to get the original.

1655   Chelmsford, Billerica, and Groton were all incorporated the same year by the same act. This is why many immigrants living in Cambridge received or bought land in Billerica in 1655, such as William French.



1636   Richard Beare was a resident of Duxbury when he had land granted to him there in 1636. Richard Beare is thought to be Richard French’s father-in-law. This Richard Beare should not be confused with Richard Beers of Watertown, MA, who resided there from 1637 to 1675. Also there in that same year he was put into the stocks for contempt of court. Further land granted to him in 1638 was sold by him in 1642 when in moved to Marshfield. Duxbury is south of Marshfield. Most immigrants to Duxbury and Marshfield came from Plymouth. Migration path was from the East either West, NW, or SW, in this case, NW.

1643   Richard Beare’s name appears on a 1643 list of those able to bear arms in New Plymouth as a resident of Marshfield (N.E.G.R., vol. 4, p. 159). He witnessed the will of Grace Granger there on 24 Nov 1648 and on 1 Feb 1660 the will of John Rogers of Marshfield (N.E.G.R., vol. 4, p. 283 and vol. 6, p. 93). Pope says he was a town officer, a proprietor and made freeman 5 June 1651. Winsor says he was disfranchised in 1659, which I suppose means he no longer was a freeman. This is the same year his daughter married Richard French. In 1661 the name Richard Beare appeared on a list of those granted liberty to purchase land at Saconnett (later Little Compton, RI). On 4 July 1673, when it was required that persons appear to make out their right to land in Saconnett, a Benjamin Church appeard for him. Sakonnet is along the coast, south of Rochester along the coast where Richard had land. No reason exists yet as to why these two men had land in these southern regions.

1654   Joseph Rogers of Duxbury, son of Thomas Rogers who came on the Mayflower in 1620, deeded Richard and Grace Beare in 1654 fifty acres. Joseph Rogers moved to Eastham, MA. (Original Joseph Rogers Grant, 1640, Court Orders, Plymouth Colony, Vol, I. 1633-1640).

1657   Colony Court Records, Richard French was freeman of Marshfield. Richard French took the Oath of Fidelitie of the Town of Marshfield. This means that he was a resident of the Town and a member of the established Church, but not necessarily a land owner.

            In the Plymouth Colony Records, Printed Court Orders, Vol. 3, Richard French is bound to the court of Plymouth for 40 Pounds even.

1658   Richard Beare took the Oath of Fidelitie of the Town of Marshfield. 

1658 - 1677  Richard French probably lived in the area of Summer Street, Highland St., and Spring St. in Marshfield. He lived near Richard Beare who lived at 758 Summer St. Apparently he didn’t own a house or land in Northern Marshfield. He could have lived with Richard Beare.

Mar 1658/9  Richard Beare appeared in Marshfield records "Richard Beare, for laciuiouse and filthy practices, was adjudged by the Court worthy of corporable punishment answarable to his demerritts; notwithstanding, upon some special considerations, he was sentenced by the Court to pay a fine of 5 pounds to the use of the Colony." (Records of the Colony of New Plymouth, Miscellaneous Records 1633-1689, pages 95, 96, 181).

1659   Richard French married Richard Beare’s daughter, Martha Beare. The reason this Martha is probably not the same Martha as in Cambridge is because the Beare family immigrated to Plymouth. There were no Beares in Cambridge. Also, what would the Martha of Cambridge done with the two children, Joseph and Samuel? They never appear in Marshfield records. Also, the crime Richard commited was enough to cause a divorce.

2 Feb 1660    Daughter Elizabeth born in Marshfield per Marshfield Vital Records, Vol 1., p. 3, the daughter of Richard and Martha French. Perhaps Richard’s mother’s name was Elizabeth. Martha’s mother’s name was Grace. Almost no records are available for Elizabeth. Most likely she removed to another area and got married. She is not mentioned in her brother John’s will of 1711. The latest she is mentioned in is 1675 when she would have been 15 years old.

4 Jun 1650    Richard Beare was appointed as a highway surveyor for Marshfield (Old Colony Records, Court Orders, Vol. I & II, page 155.)

1661   Perhaps son John was born to Richard and Martha French. Could not find a record of his birth, nor if he’s younger or older than his sister, Elizabeth. A will appears for John French of Marshfield in 1711. If it is this John, he would be only 50 years old at death. This could be no other John of Marshfield than the son or grandson of Richard French. However, no wife is mentioned in the will, only a brother Joseph, who is probably the Joseph of Concord who died in 1733.

1668   Richard and Grace Beare sell house at 758 Summer St. to Joseph Tilden which was fifty acres of upland near North River with dwelling house, but continue to live there until 1670. Between 1670 and 1673 when Richard Beare died, he may have lived with his daughter and son-in-law, Martha and Richard French somewhere in the area. (Old Colony REcords, Vol. 3, Part 2, page 220). This house probably dates back to 1655 when Richard would have built it after buying the land in 1654. In 1670 Joseph Tilden deeds to his 11 year old son, Stephen when he becomes of age, "all my farm in Marshfield and at this present in the use and occupation of Richard Beare which was sold to me by Richard Beare in 1668". Joseph Tilden died in 1670. Stephen Tilden was b. 1659. All information about the Beare family was given to me by Betty A. Bates, Box 242, Marshfield Hills, MA 02051, who is a professional researcher. She lives at 43 Union St. in Marshfield, MA 02050.

12 May 1670 Will of Joseph Tilden pays 1 Pound to Richard Beare and Richard French, who were overcharged in casting. This might indicate that Richard was in the fishing, boating, or shipping industry.

1672   Will of Ralph Chapman, ship-carpenter, Marshfield, Richard French to receive 12 shillings. This might indicate that Richard was in the fishing, boating, or shipping industry.

2 Jan 1672     Joseph French (age 22) marries Elizabeth Knight,  in Concord, MA. Joseph was a farmer and his house was often used as a garrison house when hostile Indians approached. The house was destroyed by a terrible gale of wind in 1815. Joseph was an original member of the town church established at Bedford.

3 Jun 1673    Plymouth Colony records, Richard French overcharged in Marshfield.

3 Jan 1673     Daughter Rebecca born to Joseph and Elizabeth French according to Vital Records of Births in Concord, MA.

1673   Marshfield Vital Records, p. 427, says Richard Beare died about 1673.

1675   Samuel was on list of men stationed for different periods at the garrison house at Chelmsford from 20 Nov 1675 to 23 Sep 1676 with 3 Pounds, 8 shillings, 6 pence credit. Any man 18 years of age or older in 1675 who lived in Chelmsford had to serve during King Philip’s War (there were 69 men). Samuel was 22. This is the earliest record of Samuel found since his birth in 1653.

27 Oct 1675  Richard French was executor of the estate of Richard Beare, deceased, and gave a cow apiece to the chidren of Richard French, Elizabeth and John. No other children are listed. With this extra money, perhaps Richard French was able to buy land on Moraine St. Richard French commenced suite against Benjamin Church of Duxburrow, Plymouth Colony Records, Judicial Acts, Volume VII, 1636-1692, page 196).

19 Oct 1675  Joseph French in garrison at Lancaster, MA, age 25.

14 Jun 1676  Son Samuel born  to Joseph and Elizabeth French according to Vital Records of Births in Concord, MA.

24 Jul 1676   Samuel French in garrison at Chelmsford at age 23.

ca. 1676         Richard bought land at 429 Moraine St. in Marshfield. No record of purchase from John Branch.

24 Dec 1677  Richard had land surveyed on Moraine St. probably so that he could build a house.

1678   Samuell, 5: 1 m : 1 [torn. 1678-9?] probably 5th day of Jan 1678/79. <Child born before the marriage of Samuel French and Sarah Cummings on Dec 28, 1682. Perhaps Samuel was married before. Also, perhaps this is the birth of our Samuel and is illegible. I never saw original. How torn is it? Perhaps I need to hire a professional to look at the original.> Date is supposedly the 5th of March 1678. March was considered the 1st month of the year.

1680   Richard built a house on said land.

1681   1681 - 7: 12:, (Jul or Dec?) Samuel French’s land. Samuel French owned land in Chelmsford in 1681. Lists a fishing work (way for trapping fish) to be built on the Hwy between the new field in North Chelmsford and the fishing work by Samuel French’s land. Record listed in the History of Chelmsford.

28 Dec 1682  Samuel French marries Sarah Cummings of Dunstable.

21 Aug 1683 Richard French and John French sold said land in Marshfield on Moraine St. to Abraham Holmes of Duxbury. (Owned land only 7 years) John was only about 22 years old. Duxbury is very close to Moraine St.

6 Aug 1683    Richard French bought land at Sippecan (now Rochester), MA, most likely from William Clark. Either lived at Sippecan or in North Marshfield near Richard Beare’s former house because at his death he owned a house in Marshfield, but no land. He lived in a tenement near Henry Perry’s house and Cove Creek. This land would have gone to his son, John.

5 Dec 1685    Deed of Jonathan Tyng grant of land to Sam French. Recorded 8 Jul 1709. Jonathan sells 4 parcels of land in Dunstable which is land adjoining Samuel’s land in Chelmsford.

Feb 1688       Richard and son John French sold 1/2 of lands and meadow at Sippecan (now Rochester) to Thomas Lambert of Duxbury. Martha French witnessed sale.

14 Jul 1688   Richard’s probate record, died intestate. Richard died between 23 Feb and 14 March 1688. Richard executed a deed on 23 Feb 1688.

21 Dec 1688  Administration of estate granted unto Martha French, widow.

1689   Joseph French (age 39) was a Selectman at Concord and in 1699 was on a committee to establish a boundary line between Concord and Billerica.  

8 May 1690   Joseph French’s youngest son, Jonathan, born in Bedford, MA.

16 Sep 1695  John French acknowledges the sale of land at Sippecan to be his act and deed before Nathaniel Thomas.

29 May 1696 John French of Marshfield to Job Randall of Scituate, sold upland swampland and meadowland at Sippican adjacent in the County of Barnstable. John bought 1/4th part of his father’s land there.

1710   John French died at Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, Canada (age about 49). Probably was a soldier in the Massachusetts Bay Colony militia sent by the Governor to aid the British in the attack on Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, in 1710. John may have died in that attack or as a result of injury or illness shortly thereafter, since his will was presented for probate in 1711. His will does not mention a house, land, wife, nor children, but it does mention a brother, Joseph French of Concord. John did marry Deliverance Chubb, daughter of Thomas Chubb, but she may have died young.

            NOTE: This finding of a record showing both brothers, John and Joseph, and the military record of King Philips War showing both Joseph and Samuel in the same unit and the closest ties we have found that indicate that these were the children of Richard French.

8 Aug 1709    Deed of Jonathan Tyng grant of land to Sam French in 1685. Recorded 8 Aug 1709.  Jonathan sells 4 parcels of land in Dunstable which may be land adjoining Samuel’s land in Chelmsford. 100-300 acres?

17 Oct 1711  Inventory of the estate of John French of Plymouth County of Marshfield.

            There is an inventory of the estate of John French in Plymouth County: "on the 17 October 1711 before the Judge of Suffolk County - - will of John French late of Marshfield who died at Annapolis Royal was allowed who having while he lived and at the time of his death an estate in Plymouth County as well - - Lieut. John Pratt as executor - - " was ordered on 29 January 1712 to make an inventory. It was made by Thomas Holham and Samuel Rogers on 2 January 1713 and sworn to by John Pratt, executor. The inventory listed "wearing apparel, new cloth, and other small things, bed and bedding and tools, chest, kettle, wages for his service, money". John French probably was a soldier in the Massachusetts Bay Colony militia (inventory - - "wages for his service") which had been sent by the Governor to aid the British in the attack on Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, in 1710. John may have died in that attack or as a result of injury or illness shortly thereafter since his will was presented for probate in 1711. The most important name that the will mentions is John’s brother, Joseph, of Concord.

29 Jan 1712  John Pratt was executor to John French’s will and ordered to make an inventory. It was made by Thomas Holham and Samuel Rogers on 2 Jan 1713. No land or house was listed.

2 Jan 1713     John’s record was a letter of administration by John Pratt, administration with inventory.

11 Jan 1729  Samuel dies on 11 Jan 1729/30 (age 76) at Dunstable by Nashua according to John W. Linzee who wrote the book "Ancestors of Peter Parker and Sarah Ruggles."

26 Nov 1732 Joseph French dies in Bedford (age 83).

6 Nov 1742    Joseph’s wife, Elizabeth (Knight), dies at Monson.


6.1  Richard French, 1626. Halstead, County Essex, England; immigrated to Cambridge, MA ca. 1647. Also lived in Marshfield, Billerica, Bedford, Topsfield, Woburn, Boston, MA; Hollis, Cornish, NH. Not published yet. This chart was originally researched by Harry Dana French of Concord, NH. Then Harry's very helpful handwritten notes were compiled in a database by Art Westneat.

Since the French family emigrated soon after the Pilgrims landed and there were not many families nor marriage choices in America, intermarriages in the French family were common. Here is an intermarriage between Chart #6 and Chart #3. Note that this does not change the male French DNA test results. The son of Dorcas French and Christopher Peake was Jonathan Peake, who m. Sarah French. Sarah d. 1694 which was 23 years after her father, William, named a second dau. Sarah. We need more proof of this connection.


(1) Richard French, Ch6

(1) John French, Ch3

(2) Samuel

(2) Joseph

(3) John

(3) John

(4) Ebenezer

(4) Israel

(5) John

(5) Ephraim

¢ (6) Ebenezer French m.

(6) Ephraim

Sarah Richardson French

¢ (7) Sarah Richardson French


m. Ebenezer French


Here's another intermarriage between Charts #1 and #6.

(1) Thomas French, Ch1

(1) Richard French, Ch6

(2) Alice French m. Thomas

¢ (2) Samuel French


m. Sarah Cummings

(3) Sarah Howlett m.


John Cummings


¢ (4) Sarah Cummings


m. Samuel French



6.2 "History of the French Family" by Brooks French and Samuel Newman French, 1915, 1930, 1956, plus FFA's tie-in to FFA Chart #6, Richard French. 30 pp, 8 1/2 x 11.

6.3. "The Family of David French" by Robert Hughes French. Gateway Press, 1982. 240 pp, hardcover, index. David French (6) b. 11 Aug 1783 Salem, NY, m. Sarah McClellan, removed to PA. Samuel French (1), Joseph French (2), Sampson French (3), David French (4). Also included are a few pages on related families: Cummings, Howlett, Kingsley, Brackett, Clements, Blair. Price $26.00  These books were donated by Robert H. French's wife after his death. Order through Mara French.

6.4 The French Family of Putnam, NY. FFA member, Jim Charlton, who did extensive work on surnames in this region, including the French family, Chart #6.2. It is on the families in the Putnam, Ticonderoga, and Crown Point, NY area: French, King, Craig, Hutton, Blair, Shear, Charlton, and Dedrick. Request these pages from him directly.

6.5 A French Family Lineage, by FFA member Harold Alton French, 63 pages, Richard French of Chart #6.1. Richard (1), Joseph (2), Jonathan (3), Josiah (4), Josiah (5), Josiah (6), Josiah (7), Robert (8), Lester (9), Harold (10).

6.6 History of the Richard French House, built ca. 1680, 429 Moraine St., Marshfield, Massachusetts, Chart #6, 14 pages, to be online soon.

6.7 The French Family of Putnam, NY. In Putnam, New York, I visited a cousin, Jim Charlton, who did extensive work on surnames in that region, including the French family, Chart #6. It is on the families in the Putnam, Ticonderoga, and Crown Point, NY area: French, King, Craig, Hutton, Blair, Shear, Charlton, and Dedrick. Contact Jim at 150 Dorset Street, #313, So. Burlington, VT 05407.

6.8 A French Family Lineage, by Harold Alton French, 63 pages, Richard French of Chart #6. Richard (1), Joseph (2), Jonathan (3), Josiah (4), Josiah (5), Josiah (6), Josiah (7), Robert (8), Lester (9), Harold (10). Inquire about purchase through FFA member Harold Alton French, P.O. Box 760, Carlsborg, WA 98324.

Queries – Members

September 19, 1993

Dear Harold,

Thank you for all your information and the conversation on the phone. Your information is very interesting to me since I spent two weeks in Massachusetts in Sept. 1992 and did research on your very line, or at least Samuel, supposedly the brother of Joseph. I was even in Richard’s house in Marshfield, about 300 years old, and they have an account of the entire house. I have photos which I could send, but that would take some time. I did not visit Concord.

Per our phone conversation, I am really happy that you would like to put together the chart on Joseph. You can do it any way you like and add in any names you like. Of course it would be nice to include any member’s line connected to Joseph, but you can do as you see fit. It seems everyone does their chart in a different way, but the most important thing is that we do them.

At the bottom I’ve included the members connected to Chart #6. Most of my records still show that Samuel is connected to Chart #2. As I have time, I’ll copy their records for you. As you can see, many of the names continue with a female line. In my charts, I’ve documented only female names that lead to a member. All other female names that change from French are dropped. This is my personal choice because I want to concentrate only on the surname French. Now you may want to ask, what about you? I was married to a man named John Emmert back in 1962. We had a son Randall Emmert. I changed my name to French when Randy graduated from high school since it was very important to him that I have the same name. Then when Randy graduated from the university, he changed his name to French. So I do plan to continue his line when and if he marries and has children. He is 30. The three asterisks (***) mean that person is no longer a member. If you want their addresses, let me know. Most are in the Membership Booklet.

Mara French

***COLCORD, Timothy A., Membership #296. Family names: WHITE, SMITH, KNIGHT, WHITCOMB. Connection: Richard French, Chart #6. Richard (1); Joseph of Bedford MA (2); Jonathan (3), b. 8 May 1690 at Bedford, MA; John of Hollis NH (4), b. 17 May 1727 at Bedford, MA, m. Mary Whitcomb of Bolton, MA; Mary (5), m. White; Abigail White (6), m. Smith; Elzina Esther Smith (7); Ivory Colcord (8); William Colcord (9); Glenn Colcord (10); Timothy Colcord (11).

COOPER, Justine A., Membership #306. Family names: CUMMINGS, HOWLETT, FARRAR, SHAW, BLAMEY. Connection: Two French connections: Thomas French, Chart #1. Thomas (1); Alice French (2) m. Thomas Howlett of Topsfield, MA. Also, Richard French, Chart #6. Richard (1); Joseph (2); Jonathan (3); James (4-5); Isaac L. French (6), b. 1782, d. 1875, m1. Lucy Farrar, m2. Laura; Isaac French (7) m. Margaret Shaw; Marian J. (8), m. George Blamey; Harry E. Blamey (9); Helen Blamey (10), m. Caude Cooper (11); Harry R. Cooper (12), m. Justin Cooper. Query: Need info on James French (1763-1822), father of Isaac L. French (1782-1875), m1. Lucy Farrar (1780-1843), m2. Laura. Parents of Isaac French (1814-1892), m. in 1841 to Margaret Shaw (1824-1904) of Bloomfield, IN to Oshawa, Canada. Parents of Marion Joanna French (1844-1931), m. George Fred Blamey (1833-1916) of Ontario, Canada. Also seeking ancestry of Robert Cummings 1762-1862 of Putnam, NY, m. Hannah Hutton. Would like to hear from descendants of Richard French, Chart #6, who was in Mass. Bay Colony ca. 1630, ancestor of Margaret Shaw French (1824-1904) of Bloomfield, IN. I am compiling a Shaw-French-Eddy-Blamey Family Connection Bulletin. I would also like to know if Sergeant Samuel French, who m. Sarah Cummings, was the son of Richard French (Chart #6), or William French (Chart #2)?

CUMMINGS, Priscilla J., Membership #286. Family names: DWINELL, KENNEDY, LEMEN, COLE, LITTLEJOHN, PEARCE, LUCE, LEMEN, FLETCHER. Two French connections: First connection is either William French, Chart #2 or Richard French, Chart #6. The FFA has been unable to verify the parentage of Samuel as either Richard (Ch #6) or William (Ch #2). Richard m. either Martha Beare or Martha Danforth; Samuel (2); John (3); Eleazer (4), m. Abigail Fletcher; Jonathan (5), m. Huldah Dwinnel; John (6) m. Nancy Kennedy; John S. (7), m. Rebecca Littlejohn; Emory Dayton (8), m. Caroline Pearch; Harry Waldron (9), m. Mary B. Luce; Pricilla (10), m. Cummings. Query: Does anyone have a clue to the maiden name of Elizabeth French, wife of John French of Dunstable, MA? Johnas son of Samuel French and Sarah Cummings and was probably m. in Dunstable about 1718.

GREELEY, Elizabeth (Betty) M., Membership #184. Family names: GREENOUGH, KNIGHT, MORSE, KYTE, HOLT, SHELDON, BROOKS, WYMAN. Connection: Richard French, Chart #6. (Formerly James French, b. 1738, Chart #97.) Richard (1), Joseph (2), Jonathan (3), James (4), Burleigh (5), Willard (6), Arthur Willard (7), Willard Kyte (8), Elizabeth (9). Query: Would like to know maiden name of Elizabeth who m. Jonathan French, b. 8 May 1690 in Bedford, MA. They lived in Bedford and Shewsbury, MA and later in Hollis NH where they both died. Hollis NH was once a part of Dunstable MA/NH. I believe they lived in the section known as Monson, NH near Hollis NH. Children: Elizabeth m. Ephraim Hildreth; Martha m. Jonathan Ball; Joseph m. Mary Bixbey; Mary m. Phineas Bennett; John m. Mary Whitcomb; Josiah m. Sarah Astin; James m. Sarah Brooks. Whereabouts of James Family Bible? Did Elizabeth Knight, wife of Lt. Joseph French, die in Monson, NH, later named Hollis NH, where her son, Jonathan, later settled? Was Jonathan’s wife Elizabeth Greenough?

HIMES, Diana J., Membership #434. Family names: COBURN/COLBORN, KNIGHT. Connection: Richard French, Chart #6. Query: Would like to write to anyone with my connection. FFA: Please send pedigree chart.

LOGSDON, Lila J., Membership #425. Family names: COLBURN, KNIGHT.  Connection: . Richard French, Chart #6. Richard (1); Joseph (2), m. Elizabeth Knight; Margaret (3), m. William Colburn; William Colburn (4); Abel Colburn (5); Reuben Colburn (6); Elversa B. Colburn (7), m. Stearns C. Tyler; Elsie D. Tyler (8), m. Fulton Blois; Ralph W. Blois (9), Lila J. Blois (10), m. Marvin L. Logsdon. Query: Need birthdate and place for Elizabeth Knight, wife of Lt. Joseph French, Concord, MA. Joseph d. in Bedford, MA on 26 Nov 1732.

LOVEJOY, Randall J., Membership #119. Family names: MANSON, CARTER, HILDRETH, FARWELL, GREENOUGH, BUTTERFLY. Connection: Two French connections: Richard French, Chart #6, through Elizabeth French who m. Ephraim Hildreth in Hollis NH on 25 Aug 1753. Richard (1), Joseph (2), Jonathan (3), Elizabeth (4), m. Ephraim Hildreth; Thomas Hildreth (5); Samuel Hildreth (6); Emily Louise Hildreth (7), m. Frederick Manson; Bertha L. Manson (8), m. Horace A. Carter I. Also connected to, Mary French, dau. of Thomas French of Chart #1, b. 2 Mar 1626 in Boston and m. Robert Smith, b. ca. 1626 in Boston, Lincolnshire, England and d. 26 Sep 1693. Also connected to Thomas French, Chart #1. Thomas (1); Alice French (2), m. Thomas Howlett of Topsfield, MA, who came on the Winthrop in 1630. Query: Would like proof that John French’s dau., Elizabeth French, was the one who m. Ephraim Hildreth Jr., b. 31 May 1725 in Chelmsford, d. 27 Feb 1791 in Westford, son of Ephraim Hildreth Sr. and Mary Butterfield. Elizabeth could have also been the dau. of Elizabeth, wife of Jonathan French, son of Joseph, who was the son of the immigrant, Richard French (Chart #6). Four of the children of Jonathan and Elizabeth French were b. in Concord, MA, and the rest presumably after their move north into Hollis. Would like to find the connection between Chart #6 and the Greenough family. Ephraim and Elizabeth French Hildreth had a son b. 1 Oct 1775 in Westford named Thomas Greenough Hildreth. My brother-in-law, Horace Albert Carter II, is the 4-great grandson of Elizabeth French, who d. 5 Apr 1818 at Westford, MA, age 88, so she was born 6 Apr 1729 to 5 Apr 1730. FFA: Harry Dana French says Elizabeth is Elizabeth (4) (b. 13 or 30 March 1718); Jonathan (3) m. Elizabeth; Joseph (2); Richard (1). His sources for the entire family generally are Cutter’s "Middlesex Co." and will of Elizabeth French, widow of Jonathan (3), proved 26 Feb 1777, probably in Hollis, NH.

PEARSON, Dorothy Augusta, Membership #512. Family names: ROGERS, KNIGHT, WOOLEY, PEAKE, RANDALL. Connections: (Four)! Richard French of Chart #6; William French of Chart #2; Mary French, sister of Stephen French of Chart #7; Judith French who m. John Rogers of Chart #7. Chart #6, Richard (1), Joseph (2) m. Elizabeth Knight; Rebecca (3), m. Thomas Wooley; Thomas Wooley (4), m. Mary Chamberlain; Nathan Wooley (5), m. Sarah Flagg; John Cass (6), m. Esther Wooley; John Cass (7), m. Mary; John Cass Jr. (8), m. Emily Ann Shaw; Caroline A. Cass (9), m. Charles Simonds; Henry Simonds (10), m. Flora Peake; Jennie Simonds (11), m. Ruy Washburn Warren; Dorothy Warren (12), m. William Pearson. William (1); Sarah (2), m. Jonathan Peake; Jonathan Peake (3), m. Hannah Leavens; Jonathan Peak (4), m. Mehitable Perrin; Lemuel Peake (5), m. Joanna Ellingwood; Thomas Peake (6), m. Susannah Bugbee; Preston Peake (7), m. Lois Bowen; Flora A. Peake (8), m. Henry Simonds; Jennie Simonds (9), m. Ruy Washburn Warren; Dorothy Warren (10), m. William Pearson. Mary French (1), m. Robert Randall; Mary Randall (2), m. Abraham Staple; Abraham (3), m. Mehitable Hayward; Mary Staple (4), m. Eld. Josiah Cook; Mary (5), m. Daniel Cass; John Cass (6) (see previous line). Judith French (1), m. John Rogers; Lydia Rogers (2), m. Joseph White; Mary White (3), m. Ebenezer Hill; David Hill (4), m. Sarah Thayer; Mary Hill (5), m. John Aldrich; Penelope Aldrich (6), m. Thomas Bowen; Nathan Bowen (7), m. Rachel Stoddard; Ezra Bowen (8), m. Lois Aldrich; Los Bowen (9), m. Preston Peake (see previous line).

SCHOFIELD, Charlotte F., Membership #474. Family names: BASSETT, WHITCOMB, FISHER, KNIGHT, FISK. Connection: formerly Chart #172, now connected to Richard French, Chart #6. Richard (1); Joseph (2) of Bedford, MA; Jonathan (3), b. 8 May 1690; John (4), b. 17 May 1727 in Bedford, MA, m. Mary Whitcomb; John (5); John (6), m. Esther Baker; Cynthia (7), m. James A. French; Malvena L. French (8), b. 15 Feb 1829 in Norwich, Chenango Co, NY, m. Porter S. Bassett 25 Aug 1850 in Norwich; Adda Bassett (9), m. John F. Schofield; Gayle Schofield (10); Charlotte Schofield (11). Query: I would like information about James A. French, m. 1825 or 1827, appears in the 1850 census of Chenango County, NY, city of Norwich. Need to know more about Cynthia. She was born ca. 1805, appears in the 1850 census of Chenango Co, NY, city of Norwich. They had 10 children, 9 of whom lived to adulthood. James was a farmer. Malvena’s siblings are Lloyd who lived in Boswell, IN; Helen who m. Chapin; and Addie who m. White. Both sisters lived in Norwich, NY. Would also like information about John French, b. 27 May 1727/25 in Woburn, MA, m. 1 Aug 1749 to Mary Whitcomb in Bolton, MA. Both died and are buried in Dublin, NH. They are the parents of Ebenezer French, b. 7 May 1771 in Hollis, NH, who m. Polly Fisher. Both died in Norwich, NY, Ebenezer French d. in 1819.

SILVEIRA, Barbara, Membership #400. Family names: KNIGHT, COLBURN. Connection: Richard French, Chart #6. Richard m. Martha Beare (1), Joseph (2), m. Elizabeth Knight; Elizabeth (3), m. Benjamin Colburn; Hannah Colburn (4), m. Peter Wheeler; Alice Wheeler (5), m. Ephraim Lund.

WASHBURN, Elizabeth F., Membership #224. Family names: KNIGHT, CARLY, HUNT, BONEBRAKE, SNIVELY/SNAVELY. Five French connections: Richard French, Chart #6, through Lt. Joseph French, b. ca. 1650, d. 26 Nov 1732. My stepmother was a descendant of John French, Chart #3, (1606-1646) who m. Joanna. My husband is a descendant of William French, Chart #2, (1603-1681). Also, Louisa French, Chart #30. Query: Would like information on the following five items: No. 1. Lt. Joseph French m. 2 Jan 1672 Elizabeth Knight. He was son of Richard and Martha Beare, Chart #6. Their dau. Mary (b. 18 Aug 1684) m. (1) Abraham Carly; (2) William Hunt; she d. 17 Nov 1760. Query No. 2: Any information about the relationship of Richard of Billerica (m. Martha ?), John French (1606-1646) who m. Joanna, and William French (1603-1681). No. 3: Any further information on Laura French (b. ca. 1850) who m. Melchior Bonebrake. No. 4: Louisa (or Lovina) French, Chart #30, who m. John Snively/Snavely about 1725, either in Washington Co. MD, or Franklin Co. PA. No. 5: ? French who m. Magdalena Snively/Schnebely about 1720, probably in Franklin Co. PA. ____French who m. Magdalena Schnebly ca. 1720 probably in Franklin Co. PA or Washington Co. MD? Muriel is a third cousin once removed of member Wendell Chestnut.

(deceased) NICHOLSON, Janice, of South Portland, Maine, died Feb 1987, Membership #79. Connection: Richard French, Chart #6. Richard (1), Joseph (2), Jonathan (3), John (4), Mary (5), m. White, Susanna White (6) m. Williams, Asenath Williams (7), Paschal Burnham (8), Charles H. Burnham (9), Gwen Burnham (10), Janice Nicholson (11).


[1] Linda M. Welch, email: Linda.M.Welch@Dartmouth.EDU. Linda M. Welch, Historian, Cavendish Historical Society, Cavendish, Vermont. Home address: Linda M. F. Welch, 179 Meriden Road, Lebanon, NH  03766, Home phone: (603) 646-3530. We also have around 500 family letters that span the years 1813-1913 on this family.  Calvin French, the family patriarch made sure that his children saved all their letters - back and forth - and in the process of contacting many members of the family throughout the years, I have transcribed about 75% of them thus far and have put them into a separate book that reads almost like a novel (Little House on the Prairie type of thing), because they chronologically tell a family story that is totally priceless. 

[2] Richard S. French